Patricia Castro

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Patricia and her husband, Henry, the shaman, have dedicated over 15 years to walking the spiritual path. As medicine people, they facilitate ceremonies together with Ayahuasca/Yagé, guiding individuals on profound healing journeys. Their quest for wisdom led them to collaborate with the Cofán tribe in Putumayo, Colombia, where they respectfully cooked the medicine and learned from the elders. Additionally, they had the privilege to study under the Kuntanawa Trive from Brazil, immersing their selves in their culture and working with sacred medicine like Ayahuasca, Kambo, Sananga, and Hapé (rapé), all guided by the wise Huru and his wife, Hayra.
Through their partnership with these tribes, they have gained ancestral knowledge and practices of the way of love and healing.

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