Linda Heron Wind

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Linda Heron Wind, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist with 25 years of college teaching experience and 33 years of private practice work with individuals and groups using behavioral, transpersonal, and holistic approaches. She specializes in shamanic work, soul retrieval, intuitive techniques, and energy psychology, helping people to become more authentic in their lives. Heron’s first book on reclaiming women’s power is New Moon Rising: Reclaiming the Sacred Rites of Menstruation. Grand-mothers of the Wind: Menopause, Wisdom and Power focuses on the initiation into the wise woman years. As part of the Dancing with the Music of the Spheres Mystery School, she has several transformational workbooks and a workshop on CDs called Spherical Time, that teaches how to master time and jump to a parallel timeline. Her latest work, The Feminine Path to Enlightenment, focuses on awakening the Feminine Heart to bring balance to the world. Heron guides the journey to greater awareness and higher consciousness through individual mentoring as well as through Mystery School groups, workshops, and retreats that provide intensive transformational experiences for men and women within a loving community.

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