About Osho Sannidhi

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
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Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
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Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Osho Sannidhi (www.oshosannidhi.in) is a meditation camp site situated on the foothills of the famous Chamundi Hills close to the city of Mysore in South India. It offers a meditation hall and
simple accommodations in the beautiful surrounding of a huge, lush, green garden with various colorful flowers and animals like birds, fish butterflies, and chipmunks. The camp is beautifully
surrounded by fields cultivated for generations by amiable farmers. Many different kinds of birds.


Menu Types

Getting Here

Location icon Osho Sannidhi, Osho Sannidhi, Sarkari Uttanahalli, Mysore Taluk,


Mysore (sometimes also “Mysuru”) has a train station, bus stand, and an airport and can be reached by many means of transportation. Mysore can be reached in a 3-4 hours drive by car from Bangalore. From the city center in Mysore, take an auto/rickshaw to the Meditation Center (https://goo.gl/maps/LQ6rNdoS7Pv2jaKQ9 ). The auto fare should be around 300 INR and takes roughly 30 minutes. If you need help to arrange transportation, please contact us in advance!

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Mission & Vision

Osho Sannidhi is the name of meditation center run by Osho Allama insight Foundation, Mysore which is a non profitable public charitable Registered Trust, to learn, to impart meditation, yoga, pranayam to each interested one irrespective of their caste, creed, gender or religion.
It is a center completely dedicated for spirituality run by spiritual seekers and for spiritual seekers.