Mia Kang

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Bullied as a child, Kang developed eating disorders and anxiety issues shortly after she was scouted at very tender age of 13. She continued modeling while pursuing a degree in economics and philosophy and struggled with her body image and the pressures placed on her by an industry focused on appearance. Kang decided that it was time to reevaluate her career and her life and that's when she found her new love of Muay Thai.Training on a professional level, Kang found her confidence and a new respect for what her body could do. “I love it because of the discipline and the mental strategy game. Nothing matters beyond that moment,” says Kang, who finds the unfussy world of the gym the perfect counterpoint to modeling. “It’s a major ego-check. When you have your ass handed to you in front of a whole room of people and you’re able to get up and shake your opponent’s hand that’s so good for the soul—it’s taught me so much about myself.” Becoming attuned to her body has helped Kang deal with the minefield of mixed messages the modeling industry can send to those working within it. As someone who has faced both discrimination due to her mixed race and being asked to change her body to fulfill the whims of clients, Kang is passionate about changing the way fashion looks at beauty.

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