Amrit Vismay

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Vismay Amrit, born in Israel 1972 is a student and teacher on the unified consciousness path of east and west. He started seeking a higher state of being and left the system at the age of 16. At the age of 23 He moved to India where he lived for 6 years, living and learning in an Osho center and in the Himalayan Mountains. In the year 2000 he and Nicole (from South Africa) met Ayahuasca in Europe. They studied & served together with a shaman-facilitator named Carioca from Brazil for 5 years and helped him establish his retreat center Ciranda in Brazil.

Vismay is passionate about the creative healing sacred sound. With a background of sound engineering & design studies and now reaching a thousand ceremonies , a synergy of science and spirit guide him to create the space of Nada-Brahma (sacred creation through sound) in every ceremony.

Vismay is the visionary and creator of Sacred Sound Studios

Vismay and Nicole were then called to start serving the medicine in Israel in 2006, hosting over a hundred ceremonies. Together they decided to bring their family, studies and vision and service back to the jungle, where Ayahuasca finds its home. In 2009 they moved with their children to the forest of Costa Rica and with the help of many, a medicine community was established, growing and cooking the medicine plants, practicing Karma Yoga and following the path of human development.

Vismay and Nicole are intuitive guides, facilitators, teachers, connected with Spirit and working with the sacred medicine plants for two decades. They aim to always carry the circle to a unified space of harmony, well being and consciousness. They love celebration, and bring this energy into ceremony ; celebrating health, cleansing our illnesses, forgiving our past and the discovering of a new self. A celebration of love, of family, and of the sacred circle.

Vismay and Nicole work within the structures and teachings of the Santo Daime, a church formed by Mestre Irineu in Brazil, the teachings of BaBaji and Amma and many other great teachers, and of course, the Spirit of the forest, Ayahuasca the Teacher and Healer, to hold a beautiful space, of self-reflection and healing. They are devoted to the awakening of our Newmanity.

Vismay and Nicole hold ceremony together and also separately, each bringing their connection and medicine to the ceremony. They always have trusted helpers that are there to aid participants and create a space of safety for the exploration.

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