7 Day Chakra Retreat in LA
7 days
(Other packages available for different price)
Daily Accommodation in a beautiful newly renovated house in the heart of North Hollywood centrally located close to all attractions
Daily kaoshiki yoga dance
Daily yoga
Daily meditation
Daily 60 min massage
Daily energy session
One time Chinese medicine consultation, diagnosis
And Daily acupuncture session to address main issues
Daily vegetarian breakfast and fresh squeezed juice
Daily trips:
Famous Beaches
Walk of fame
Trips of choice
Wake up 6:30 am
6:30-7 pm Shower , morning procedures
7-7:30 am learning Kaoshiki Yoga dance
7:30-8am dancing Kaoshiki
8-8:30 learning Surya namaskara - greeting of the sun yoga
8:30-9 yoga
9 am - 9:30 am - mediation with beads (will be provided as a gift)
9:30- 10:30 breakfast
10:30 - 11:30 lecture on chakra 1-7 (different chakra every day)
11:30-12:30 break
1 pm trip to beach or hike
Access to organic cafe shops, lunch
6-7 pm reading of Bhagavad Gita (famous yogic text)
Evening snack time
7-8 pm massage
8-8:30 acupuncture and energy session
After 8:30 relaxing time
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