Amazon Jungle Ayahuasca Economy Retreat, Pucallpa, Peru (ongoing )

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8 Days Package (7 nights)

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Details of this retreat

We are flexible on dates, so if you don't see what you are looking for please ask.This retreat is a is a life regenerating and life changing experience. You will have the opportunity to experience the Ayahuasca in a very spiritually inspiring environment, you will be able to connect with yourself and with the nature. Basic accommodation and conditions are provided.The treatment includes:* 3 ayahuasca ceremonies in 7 days* plant purging such as tobacco and purifying sessions (when required)* other plants according to shaman's discretionShaman: Native Shipibo shamanPlease note the shaman does not speak english.Where:Shipibo centre1h from PucallpaPreparations:Those recommendation should be followed in order to obtain the most advantage of the session.3 days before and 3 days after the session avoid:* alcohol, drugs and chemical substances* strong spices and food with conservants* meat, mainly swine and its derivatives* fried and fat foods* foods with high quantity of salt and sugar* sexual contacts* environments with heavy, negative energiesPrices for 7 day retreat from:USD 1,200 full priceUSD 990 discounted price for early bookings, paid at least 60 days before the retreat starts.Please note: 50% advance payment is required upon booking. Than remaining 50% payment in cash in USD upon arrival.Prices for 30 day retreat from:USD 1,800 full priceUSD 1,600 discounted price for early bookings, paid at least 60 days before the retreat starts.Please note: 50% advance payment is required upon booking. Than remaining 50% payment in cash in USD upon arrival.Prices include:* entry interview via Skype* upon arrival: basic accommodation, all ceremonies and all suitable meals, airport pickup and drop-off.Flights to :Pucallpa, Peruvia Limaor bus from Lima (12 hours)Interested? Please read this....Who is the retreat forThe retreat is for those who seek healing and spiritual teaching. This teaching starts from the moment in which you express interest in joining this retreat.The shaman is a spiritual teacher, a representative from the spiritual world. He will teach you whatever it is necessary and by whatever means necessary the lessons your soul require.This retreat is not something you buy, like a fridge from Walmart, and you dictate the terms of how things will be done during and prior to the retreat. The methods are mostly non conventional and lack of human logic and are purely driven by the Divine inspiration the shaman receives.If you do not treat the shaman with respect and humbleness there is a great chance you will not get on with the shaman and you will waste an opportunity to learn and heal.Most people suffer from anxiety and impatience, lack of love and tolerance. This does not give yo the right to rush things or demand quicker service or a 'bigger dose'. Each step is a preparation for the next one, we have the tools to heal you.The process of the healing and teaching is on a cosmic time and order, such as planets go around the Sun and the Sun goes around other bigger stars there is an order and constant movement. This takes a very long time so do not expect any instant results.Patience, compassion, humbleness are the qualities necessary to access the spiritual world with shaman's help. If you do not posses those the shaman will teach you and provide you with tools to start learning.If you don't behave according to the shaman's guidelines and instruction you will be asked to leave the retreat space without any money back.If you are looking for a DMT experience or trying to experience something different like a parachute jump this retreat is not for you. This retreat is also not for you if you used weed / grass in the last 6 months. You need to undergo a special cleanse before you join a ceremony.In short if you are serious, disciplined enough to follow the shamans instruction and are able with an open heart to the retreat to learn and receive whatever you are ready to receive than send us your short application.Please apply only if you can comfortably pay for the retreat.No discounts, nor free participation is offered.There are of course cheaper retreats than ours, we are asking a fair price for what we offer.We work exclusively in places and venues of special beauty and abundance and that carry a special Earth, Cosmic and Divine energies, so you can incorporate that during your stay and 'take it with you'. We also work exclusively with small groups of carefully selected serious students/participants.To apply to participate please send a quick note about yourself, your spiritual practice to-date and the motivation behind doing this retreat. Also enclose a photo of yourself where your eyes are visible and/or link your facebook account.The shaman will decide whether he is interested in inviting you to the retreat and you will have a personal interview with the shaman via skype before you join the retreat.Contacts and bookings:After the CeremonyAfter a ceremony or retreat where the teacher plants (Tobacco, Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote, etc.) are used it is essential for you to set aside time to reflect on the experience.If possible, allow yourself at least 3 days to reintegrate what you have experienced into your day-to-day life. You are likely to be very sensitive and open after your journey, so be gentle with yourself. Do your best to avoid stress and create a healing, quiet space where you can get plenty of rest, good sleep, healthy food and time in nature.Cancelation/changes/no show policy:1) Once you book your place / pay there are no refunds. It is a serious commitment to take part in the retreat. You should honor that and so will we.2) If you can't make it to a selected retreat you can:a) find somebody else until 7 days before the start date, no extra fee requiredb) no shows with no notice equals in 100% fee loss. Read More

Getting Here

Location icon Santa Clara Shipibo Indian Village, near Pucallpa, Peru


Program price (1 person) Read More

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