Near Neer waterfall, Rishikesh ,India
Up to 5 in group
8 Days Package (7 nights)
About this Retreat
Details of this retreat
Because of the lifestyle we are living in we are facing problems both physically and mentally. These will lead to several other troubles. So we need to clean both our body and mind.
To come out of physical problems we need physical detoxifiecation. While we come to our body,it has been poluted with the content which our body cant digest or tollorate. All these toxic substances enters our body through food,water and air and through many other sources. When these toxic substances enters our body,it start disturbing the activities in our body in many ways. When it disturbs the activities our body feel sick and tired and which will leads to mental problems like stress. So In this retreat physical detoxifiecation will be done through yoga asanas,Shat Kriyas,Hydro therapy and Detox juices.
When its come to mental detoxifiecation first we need to purify through body and than the mind will detoxify through prana kriyas and different techniques of meditation.
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