We are deeply inspired to announce the official launch of our online Home Study Course, “Your Evolutionary Blueprint” – an ongoing course that you can start anytime and approach it at your own pace!
In this interactive course you will explore your own heroic inner journey through life via video talks, reading materials, self inquiry & reflection homework, guided meditation, Primordial Breathwork, Alchemy QiGong and fun creative expression.
This adventurous curriculum guides you through transmission of indigenous living wisdom into the essential rites of passage of your daily life. Practical application of your highest creative potential is encouraged through Andean, Amazonian and Eastern perspectives. The intercultural bridges designed into this course connect the ancestral wisdom perspectives with Jungian Transpersonal approach in order to support everyone’s unique life journey towards wellbeing and a purposeful existence in a regenerative way.
Awakening the source of your creative expression takes place through transforming unresolved and stagnant emotional energies trapped in unprocessed key experiences of life. Remember yourself as the dreamer of reality, no longer a character lost in someone else's dream.
Every moment of our lives is communicating to us through the evolutionary language of nature. Our ancestors maintained a profound relationship with this ancient connection to all of life. The modern world has almost completely lost touch with this universal language even though it continues to knock on the doors of our perception through many challenges and adverse circumstances. Yet the crises can also be a catalyst of our greatest potential inviting greater wellbeing than we’ve ever imagined if only we can decipher the evolutionary language it speaks to us in.
Throughout this course, you will explore the dreaming language, map your own heroic journey, and engage in the journey of remembrance of your true nature in order to come into your full potential, as the essential part of the Whole Organism that you are.
Shamanic / Transpersonal Dreamwork is a method to gain insights and receive communication from the subconscious that can bring us closer to wholeness, our true essence, and awaken our highest potential. Dreams are engaged in this context as evolutionary communication from the intelligence of our own organism. It’s an existential key to healing and transformation. This communication serves as an ongoing blueprint for your metamorphosis into a purposeful, fulfilling and joyful life. The elders of the Amazonian Ashuar Nation work with the dreams of individual tribe members as an evolutionary blueprint for the greater collective.
Throughout dreams, the super-consciousness, our true nature, is speaking directly to the self in familiar associations and recognizable metaphors that also come through legends, fairy tales, and captivating classic stories of humanity. The reason these motifs are so captivating is because we feel ourselves vicariously living out our own heroic journey through someone else’s experience.
Sacred Geometry can support us in building a relationship with this archetypal language of nature’s symbols. The proportions of our body, strands of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, pine cones, flower petals, crystals, the branching of trees, a sea shell, the orbit of the planets, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes.
The Pythagoreans consider the basic geometric forms to be the crystallized thoughts of the Creator. Through them we can start to unravel the basic archetypes found in nature through numbers and shapes to understand the deeper layers of subconscious communication offered in both our waking life and dreams.
The ancients knew that these patterns were symbolic codes of our own inner realm that ignite the soul’s fusion with form. Drawing, viewing and contemplating these forms can allow us to gaze directly at the face of the infinite mystery and glimpse the inner workings of The Universal Heart/Mind. Through Sacred Geometry we can trace how universal energy can transform from emptiness to form and back again.
Course Curriculum
There are 5 chapters in the course, each designed to take a week. However, the course is flexible and you can work at your own pace. Some may go through it faster (not too fast) and some slower (not too slow).
Chapter 1: The Call to Evolve
Chapter 2: Crossing the Line of No Return
Chapter 3 - Remembering The Infinite
Chapter 4: Finding the Way Through Patterns of Evolution
Chapter 5: Emerging From the Dark Night of the Soul
Post Course: Community Forum Engagement
Course Summary
9 hours of video teachings
Two downloadable booklets & one book
5 in-depth chapters
Reflection homework activities
Supported Discussion Forum (available to all participants who complete the course work)
+Bonus Material
Audio Talk on Transforming Fear
Guided Meditation
Guided Primordial Breathwork Practice Video
Andean Art of Being / Daoist Alchemy of Immortality QiGong Practice Video
This course is $40-200 sliding scale and welcome you to contribute the amount that is accessible for you.
We wish to make this available to anyone who has a sincere inspiration in these challenging times. If you’re not able to make the minimum contribution, we welcome you to fill out our scholarship application HERE >>
About the Learning Platform:
This course is held through an interactive online learning platform called Sutra. It has been adapted from a live course we held via Zoom with additional, in-depth resources and instructions added to support each person through a more interactive and immersive journey. At the end of the course material all participants will be invited to engage their insights within a community forum of those who have also completed the course.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the purpose of this course?
This course is designed for those who wish to embody a more genuine sense of being, empowered to work with all circumstances of life. Are you ready to no longer be a passive passenger and take responsibility for designing your life with a creative, joyful and caring perspective in all situations?
What does transformation entail?
Transformation starts with a shift in perspective. We may hold concepts or ideas that are not supportive of our wellbeing. On this heroic path the conceptual frame of engaging with the world is transformed through a complete paradigm shift.
Who is this course for?
This course is particularly helpful for anyone at a crossroad in life who wishes to get to the root of life’s essence. This work can enhance and deepen your embodiment and connection to the essence of any spiritual approach already engaged with.
For those who have had profound mind altering experiences and/or are immersed in ceremony work, this course is a profound integration tool to support understanding your experiences more deeply and applying them to each moment. See what your life is really about.
What are the benefits of this online format?
We love working with people in person, however through the years we’ve found a gap between the retreats and everyday life which can be hard to bridge. One of the purposes of this course is to offer a tool to fill this gap. Unlike a retreat where we step out of our habitual environment, this course is brought into your everyday environment.
When does the course begin?
The course is self-paced, so you can get started as soon as you enroll and go at your own pace.
How long will the discussion boards be available?
The discussion board will become available for your engagement once you complete the course work. Access is unlimited.
Can I still take this course without a desktop/laptop computer (for example, if I only have an iPad)?
Yes, you can access this course using the Sutra mobil app called "Sutra Spaces" on your phone or using your internet browser on a tablet.
What if I have technical difficulties with the course?
Our course hosts at Sutra are available for technical support if issues arise.
***All information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here or elsewhere.
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