4-Night Plant Medicine Retreat (all-inclusive) - 3 spots available

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Colorado, USA
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Up to 8 in group
October 17 - 21, 2024

Retreat Highlights

  • We are an award-winning Retreat Center that has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Third Wave, The Guardian, and one of Retreat Guru's Top Choice Retreats!
  • Please visit our website for our Offerings, Pricing, Lodging Options, Testimonials:
  • https://thesacredhouseofeden.com/
  • We do not charge for our plant medicines. Unlike other retreat centers, you will not arrive and then be asked to pay additional money for the medicine.
  • We work with 4 different plant medicine blends (Soul medicine, Heart medicine, Spirit medicine, Body medicine) . We are the ONLY Retreat in the United States of this kind.
  • Just a few testimonials. We have hundreds to view on our website: www.TheSacredHouseOfEden.com
  • Eden is the Michelin-Star restaurant and other retreats are Denny's
  • My Eden experience was everything I could've hoped for and more. If you're serious about finding clarity in your life, working through a hardship or hoping to overcome previous trauma, The Sacred House of Eden is well worth looking into. The Eden Team are the kindest, most nurturing and professional people who genuinely want to help people transform. This was something I'd come to fully know after my sacred soul session, but it was also something I could sense from the first time I navigated their website, to talking to Dr. S. on the phone during my initial intake call.
  • I had interest in attending another retreat, but I immediately changed my mind when I came across the Sacred House of Eden online and had my intake call with Dr. S. Here's an appropriate analogy: if The Sacred House of Eden is a Michelin-Star restaurant, then all of the other retreats seem like Denny's in comparison.
  • The experience broadened my sense of spirituality in that I felt so connected to the earth, to everyone around me and whoever I come into contact with. The only thing that matters in this life is love. We are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience and that’s all this life is. We are so interconnected on the other side, and it's beyond spectacular. Nothing in this life really matters except the relationships we have with other people and the love we share with them. Love is the answer to every question in life. I came into this journey at a crossroads looking for clarity about my marriage and whether I should stay in it. This limbo plagued me for over a year, but my weekend at Eden showed me that it's not time to leave my marriage yet, that I have a lot more effort to give and that I won't have peace about separating unless I try harder. So that's what I'm doing and I have peace and contentment about that, something I otherwise wouldn't have without attending this profound, life-changing retreat. (Kellie, California)
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  • Once in a lifetime opportunity
  • If you are reading this testimonial then you are likely already searching for a life transforming experience that will enable you to grow to your fullest potential as an individual. When I began attending various retreats, I was searching for the same thing. After having visited retreat centers in Europe, I can say unequivocally that my experience at The Sacred House of Eden eclipsed all of my expectations. The hosts are extraordinarily kind and gracious, and they facilitate your growth process as you do the work. Regardless of what personal issues you are grappling with, you will be given a once in a lifetime opportunity to manifest lasting change in your life through both the sacred sessions and subsequent world-class integration process.
  • As a combat veteran, this was truly invaluable to me. I cannot thank Eden enough for what they are doing! (David C., S.F.)
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  • A Temple of Divine Vibration
  • When I arrived at Eden, I wasn’t sure what I would need to receive. I had just lost a child to a severe mental illness and had been so emotionally shut off for years. At my intro, I told the group I had not cried in 3 years. Luckily,, I knew this was not normal given my circumstances and wanted to take the journey to self-discovery.
  • Since Eden I am happier, more grounded, less chatter, and understand the voice in my head was never actually me. I released myself from the guilt I carried over my children, and realized completely that I had tried everything, truly. I fell in love with my heart and was given a mirror to see my true self, a divine loving creature with supreme ability to love people for exactly who they are. What a gift to want to befriend yourself.
  • What I witnessed on my journey not only in myself, but in my group of travelers, was unreal. Being a trauma specialist with a Bachelor's in psychology, I had to see it to believe it. The Eden staff is top notch, not for one second did I feel unsafe. My friend also felt safe - which given her own history - was nothing short of a miracle. Eden is in fact a temple of divine vibration, healing modalities, and supreme human beings.
  • If you want change, this is it. If you want a safe, loving environment this is it. If you are still scared, this is it. Nothing this transformative comes without a bit of fear. Dive in, you just might learn to love yourself. (MW, Sedona)
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  • Months of therapy in a weekend!
  • This was an incredibly beautiful place with serene vistas and rolling hills. Dr. S provided us a positive space to delve deeply into our psyche and provide us with a warm and nurturing environment. The Eden Team provided activities to help us understand our place in the world and allowed us to integrate with our past trauma and issues. Some of the people I have met here will be my life-long friends, as I look forward to my next visit! Thank you Eden! (David, San Francisco)
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  • Worth every penny!
  • After struggling with eating disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for most of my life, I have finally found some peace. I had tried weekly talk therapy, anti-depressants, and nothing seemed to work. After my 3-day retreat with Eden, my desire to binge and purge is gone! My overall anxiety has decreased significantly and I feel much more ease and joy in my daily life. This retreat is like doing years of therapy in a weekend! I have never seen a psychologist like Dr. S. She almost seems from another realm and has such deep, clear insight. What a gift Eden is to the world! (Jordan, Los Angeles)

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

We are an award-winning Retreat Center that has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Third Wave, The Guardian, and one of Retreat Guru's Top Choice Retreats!

Please visit our website for our Offerings, Pricing, Lodging Options, Testimonials:

Group Experiences are for 8-12 guests. The ratio of guest to staff is 1:3. These are very powerful, healing, life-changing experiences
This is deep work for those that are ready for breakthrough and transformation. Group Experiences include a 6-week Virtual Coaching Program and a 4-Night In-Person Group Retreat.

To apply for the Retreat, please complete your INTAKE FORM HERE: https://form.jotform.com/232697007022148

Coaching Sessions for Retreat preparation and Post-Retreat Integration are conducted via phone and/or Zoom. The Retreat is in-person in Colorado.

Group Coaching & Group Retreat Package:

(6 Virtual Coaching Sessions & 4-Night All-Inclusive Group Retreat)

$6999/person - Camp Eden

$7599/person - Shared Guest Suite

$8099/person - Private Guest Suite

*payment plans available- please inquire via email: info@thesacredhouseofeden.com

* HERO Rates for military, vets, first responders


All of Our Retreats are All-Inclusive

*Note that we work in flow and meet our guests where they are so that our team can bring the most value and meaning to your experience. This is an example of a 4-Night Group Retreat itinerary.



Guest Check-In & Introductions

Review of Ceremonies & Guidance

Intention-Setting Session
Breathwork Session

Sacred Medicine Ceremony

DAY 2:

Morning Movement & Mindfulness


Integration Coaching


Sacred Medicine Ceremony

DAY 3:

Grounding & Mindfulness


Integration Coaching



Sacred Medicine Ceremony

Sound Healing

DAY 4:

Morning Movement & Mindfulness


Integration Coaching


Sacred Medicine Ceremony

Various Healing Modalities (ex: Fire Ceremony, Inner Child Healing, Vision Quest)




Departure Synthesis Coaching

Sacred Closing of Circle

Guest Departure


Camp Eden: Guests sleep in their Nest in the Ceremony Room and share bathrooms with other guests.

Shared Guest Suite: 2 Guests share a bedroom with separate beds and share bathrooms with other guests.

Private Guest Suite: Guest has their own private bedroom and shares a bathroom with other guests.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon The Sacred House of Eden, Colorado, USA


Address and directions provided upon registration


King & Queen beds Gorgeous location, upscale, immaculate, beautiful views See our website for lodging options: www.TheSacredHouseOfEden.com

All-Inclusive Plant Medicine Retreat (Colorado) and 6-Week Coaching Program (Zoom) - Camp Eden accomodations

Venue & Amenities

A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Queen & King size beds. Beautiful, upscale, immaculate location.



Menu Types

Meals will include vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. Let us know of any dietary restrictions, food allergies.

What's Included

  • All inclusive:
  • 4 nights of Lodging in upscale, gorgeous Colorado location
  • All meals
  • 4 nights of sacred ceremonies
  • Meditation & mindfulness sessions
  • Integration sessions
  • 6 Weeks of Coaching led by Doctor of Psychology (IFS-based)

What's Not Included

  • Airfare not included

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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My experience at Eden feels God-given
To come to such an experience requires massive courage, it also takes the self awareness to know that something within you wishes to change. There is a reason you are being called here, there is a reason you are curious, there is a reason even past the questions you have already asked yourself. If you wish to lend me your ears.... or eyes in this instance; I am a 24 year old cancer patient who has been dying and learning to live since the moment I have been diagnosed. My time at Eden allowed me to rediscover the beauty of life and the pleasure to behold strangers who quickly became life-long friends. The security I feel in myself and my circumstance since my visit, feels god given; that is no doubt due to the amazing work that the Team at Eden provides to each amazing person who graces the entrance. I am a believer in less being more. My testimonial can't answer every question you may have because the rest are meant for you to discover for yourself.
Your Friend

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Eden and Dr. Stefanie are a true gift!
I am a single mom of 4 teenagers who runs my own business and attempts to navigate the hustle and bustle of a New York suburb every day with light. When the darkness crept in and began to take over, I visited Eden with debilitating anxiety and hope. After working with Dr. Stefanie and her beautiful angel Olivia, I left with complete inner peace. Not only did Eden show me love, it showed me the path out of my own pain. The miracle of the medicine coupled with the therapy and guidance of Dr Stefanie is a true gift of light and I am eternally grateful.
(K.O. from CT)

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What Dr. Stefanie has created here is beyond words!
I am a psychiatrist towards the end of my career. And I can say with certainty, we have had much of it incorrect. I am a non-crunchy, football watching, non-drug using, non-alt person. I follow allopathic medicine.
Dr. Stefanie has blown up the standard. She has it correct. Her entire process IS what we should be doing with patients first. I am floored and humbled. I could write a thesis, but in summary, this for me has been the most healing I have ever felt (many in the field are "wounded healers"). I went from tears of pain to tears of joy, a week later still, and am beyond thankful for my experience at the retreat. I truly consider myself so lucky to be able to have experienced this. I am empowered now to share my newly found strength, happiness, snark, fun, and love with my clients and my friends. Dr. Stefanie and Eden are truly a gift from heaven. (Signed, DMR, non-crunchy football watching allopathic physician psychiatrist who has seen the light)

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More beneficial than 5 years of talk therapy!
Attending this retreat was over a year in the making! I'm a firm believer that this type of healing is so impactful when it's chosen because you feel called to it. In the beginning stages of exploring this, I was immediately comforted by the thoroughness of the intake calls and the evident respect and care that Dr. S and Doug have for this work.

My partner and I decided to do a private couple's retreat and we absolutely loved the experience. Being our first time doing any type of plant based medicinal healing - it was perfect for us to do a private experience. I feel that our two nights of work had more of a deeply profound impact than the 5 years of talk therapy did. This work is different!

I placed all my trust in the process and Dr. Stefanie's advice. I not only experienced and continue to experience amazing personal benefits, but my partner and I's alignment has become closer than ever before. Deep into night two, he said, "So many relationships would be saved if they did this work." Not just saved, but strengthened and filled with so much more love and empathy.

I'll forever be grateful that I didn't allow fear and my ego to get in the way of pursuing my higher self. I will definitely return again and again. (B. Mathews Austin, TX)

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Life Changing Experience
I can't recommend the experience highly enough. The Eden staff created a safe and compassionate space that made it possible to connect and grow. It was a life-changing experience that helped me grow in my love for myself and others and gave me tools to change the course of my future.

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