Yandara's Yin & Restorative Training is an elective part of our Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Program. You are also welcome to attend just this module as a regenerative retreat or continuing education course. During these 9 days we will explore the principals and philosophy of Yin and Restorative Yoga! The 9 days we spend together will be healing and nurturing for the body, mind and heart. We will prioritize the cultivation of a calmer state of being through daily regenerative practices and activities.
Program Description:
Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga are gentle, regenerative practices where all the poses are done on the floor, supported by props, to encourage deep relaxation, a natural opening of the joints and optimal energy flow through the body.
This slow, healing practice is a journey into the heart and soul of your being. It naturally cultivates inner listening, heightened awareness, compassion and acceptance for who you are and where you are in each moment of life.
Our focus is on both Yin and Restorative yoga. You will learn how to effectively teach these two distinct styles. To balance the yin and yang energies, this training also includes one yang-style, flowing asana class daily.
Join us as we let go, relax and breathe our way to optimal health and wellness. The Yin-Restorative Yoga Training is ideal for those want to advance their yoga teaching career and certification and also for those who simply want to deepen their own personal practice.
Topics Explored in the Yin-Restorative Yoga Training:
Yin Yoga Principles and Practice
Yin Yoga Postures
The Difference Between Yin and Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga Principles and Practice
Restorative Yoga Postures
Structuring a Class and Effective Sequencing
Sequencing for Organ Health
Exploring Props, Variations and Hands-On-Adjustments
Yin Yoga Anatomy
The Science of Stress and the Relaxation Response
Subtle Body Anatomy - deepening the connection to our vital energy (Prana), body centers (chakras) and energy channels (nadis/meridians)
Chinese Meridian Theory
Incorporating Pranayama within the Yin /Restorative Practice
Mindfulness Meditation
Intuitive Practice and Teaching
The Yin Yoga Teacher as a Spiritual Guide
The Cosmic DJ - the art of using music in your Yin/Restorative class
Yin Desserts - incorporating subtle energy assists, sound and color healing, aroma therapy, crystal healing, mantras, mudras, poetry and ancient yogic teachings (inspired by tantra, bhakti and universal wisdom)
The lead teacher of the Yin-Restorative Yoga training is Allison Eaton, E-RYT500. Allison is an international teacher of Yin, Restorative and Vinyasa Yoga, as well as reiki (hands-on healing) and meditation. She teaches yoga teacher trainings and reiki certification trainings worldwide. Allison is the author of the yandara Asana Manual and the Reiki Flow Manuals. She is a devotional singer and musician and is featured in the guided meditation album, "Sat Nam".
Allison is known to draw the authentic self out of her students, empowering them to practice and teach from the heart. Her teaching style is supported by extensive background training in Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Iyengar, Bhakti, and Meditation. A healthy balance of Yang Flow Yoga and Yin Restorative Yoga is a central focus of her training style.
Read more about Allison here.
Prerequisite: 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training certificate from Yandara Yoga or other Yoga Alliance approved Yoga Teacher Training for those who wish to fulfil 100 hours toward their 300 hour certification. Prerequisites of 6 months of yoga practice for those who simply want to deepen their practice with this training.
Preparatory Study: Purchase and read “The Relaxation Response,” by Dr. Herbert Benson. All participants are required to attend at least 5 Yin or Restorative classes/videos before coming to the training.
Please Bring: A journal, pens, a relaxing eye pillow and two myofascial/ trigger point release balls (any brand, i.e. Kieba Massage Lacrosse Balls or Mandala Yoga Massage balls), your favorite essential oils, poems and inspirational quotes.
Contact hours: 90 hours
Non-contact hours: 10 hours (to be fulfilled by independent study)
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