An introduction to, and exploration of, tantra.
Tantra is about energy in many forms, including body energy, movement energy, emotional energy, mental energy and sexual energy. We’ll work with these energies in different ways to learn more about our physical selves and how we might find blissful, possibly ecstatic, states: maybe even “body orgasms”. We’ll also look at some of the things that might get in the way of accessing those energies.
We’ll use, among other things, yoga, meditation, breath, touch exercises and massage. We’ll be sharing this experience as a naked and often intimate community of men, so (if you’re attending as a couple) you’ll need to be prepared and willing to be paired with and work with all of the men in the group.
*This is very much a community experience, democratically shared with the others taking part, so while it’s OK, if necessary, to miss a session, the success of the event relies of people not “just dipping into” a session or two.
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