Arrive at Hari Hara - Center for Awakening, your home for the next 6 days
Turn in your phone, watch and digital devices and join the journey of living in the present moment
Get to know the sanctuary with a tour and introductions, followed by your first community lunch (all meals included) Be sure to drink a coconut (unlimited, included).
Gather for the opening Community Circle to share, listen and set intentions. We will go over the foundations of the program and set the rhythm for the journey ahead.
Receive your journal for the week as well as a complimentary copy of the Foundations of Stillness by Joel Altman (included).
Meet up for the Foundations of Yoga and Meditation Workshop where we teach the Hariharalaya sequence of postures, breathing and meditation.
We will continue to explore the Yoga of Awareness through the week
We will each light an oil lamp to signify a new beginning and bring the community together
Share a delicious community dinner (included). Each meal is like a thanksgiving feast.
Enjoy the sunrise over the mystical Lotus Pond and start the day with Morning Practice - Asana, Pranayama and Meditation.
Lift the silence with a healthy breakfast - fruit and smoothies included
Awaken your inner child with our Creativity Workshop
Be sure to check the timing for your massages and healing sessions included in your package
Enjoy another yummy lunch together
Gain tools and tips to integrate the practice in your daily life outside the retreat.
Our team of skilled teachers will answer all your questions in our Personal Yoga Practice Workshop
Learn to breathe and be still in our Evening Meditation Practice
Be nourished with another hearty meal together to close off the day
Laugh, smile and let loose at Games Night
Start the day with another inspiring morning practice - cultivating a sense of stability and ease, focus and presence.
Breakfast is a great time to share your insights and ask questions
Find inspiration at the Dharma Talk, ask questions and find wats to integrate living yoga in your daily life
Get your heart pumping and come sweat it out at Fitness - a combination of animal movements and HIIT guaranteed to make you feel alive
Eat a hearty vegan lunch together with a community of people from all over the world
The afternoon is yours! Take time to integrate - relax in a hammock, float in the pool, get lost in the gardens, speak with the birds.
Let peace within flow at Evening Meditation
Enjoy a delicious dinner and good conversation
Free your body, heart and mind with Ecstatic Dance. This guided embodiment practice will allow you to release and let go in order to prepare you for the coming day of silence
Wake up early for the day of silence and enjoy the symphony of birds and the rising sun
Start the day right with our morning practice of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
Practice mindful eating during our silent breakfast and then join for a guided walking meditation around the lotus pond
Take time for yourself to simply slow down. There are many ways to nourish yourself - with nature, creativity, journaling, massage, sports, reading…
Enjoy your silent lunch in our enchanted tropical oasis
Go deep during our extended Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra Workshop
Silent dinner with the moon and stars to close off another powerful day
Start the day in silence with the Hariharalaya morning practice - by now the sequence will feel familiar
Gather for a delicious and healthy breakfast
Learn tools to be authentic and speak your truth in our Mindfulness Workshop as we lift the silence
Join us for another exhilarating round of Hariharalaya Fitness
Challenge yourself with the ice bath as we celebrate together with a pool party
Come together for another feast of Cambodian treats and delicacies
Shed the things that no longer serve you in our Letting Go Fire Ceremony. Burn and release old patterns, thoughts, and limitations.
Enjoy a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation
Jam Night is a magical way to close the day with a drum circle, chanting, song and dance. Life is a celebration!
Rise and shine! Our last Morning Practice utilizes Kundalini Yoga
Come together for the closing Community Circle to share insights gained along the journey, to honor our growth, and integrate the practice and newfound sense of aliveness within
One last dance with the whole community to raise the vibration
Feast at Breakfast with homemade waffles and love
Continue your journey with a new community of friends and support, a wealth of tools and resources and a doable practice to help you continue to live in the present moment and awaken your body, heart and mind
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