Every day we start in silence.
The dates and program can be adapted individually!
My retreats are designed to bring you forward to more health, more creativity and more consciousness.
The 1st day is the arrival in the early afternoon.
Round 4pm we will start with the opening ceremony, for which you should bring red clothes and a tiny sacred object. After we share a rich vegetarian dinner. The food will be simple, local, ecological and delicious and should inspire you for healthy meals at home.
The 2nd day is dedicated to the element Earth.
I love to say Mother Earth because our body is just made out of her! We are in constant exchange with her and the relation we have with her, is truly meaningful.
We will hold silence from waking up to 11am every day.
At 8 ore 8.30 am we meet for the morning training in an outdoor space.
We practice yoga, breathing, activation of the meridians, acknowledge of the energy channels, loosening dance and meditation. Yoga means union. I will make sure you will feel your energetic rooting system that holds you grounded and present and goes right towards the “center” of the earth. We will put awareness in the union, to the earth and to one self.
After the morning training I offer fruit and lots of special herbal teas, which are available when you wake up.
At 11am we meet for a talking circle.
At 1pm is lunchtime
In the afternoon you get a full body massage
7.30/8pm is dinner
The 3rd day is dedicated to the element Fire.
When I say fire, I also mean the warms and the fire of love we hold in our hearts. Fire transforms, helps us to liberate and even acts destructible. Fire on another level is also light and spirit.
8/8.30 morning training
Fruit breakfast
11am workshop and initiation to the inner fire
1pm lunch
In the afternoon and evening we make a fire and a cleansing ceremony.
Dinner and bedtime
4th day is dedicated to the Water.
Water is the element that is related to our emotions. Although our body appears compact and hard it is mostly made of water. Water has so many shapes and manifestations, so have we! We go to the beach very early and make the morning exercise and breakfast there.
1pm lunch
5pm workshop related to our fears and vulnerability. Inner work to let go of uptight emotions.
7,30/8 dinner
5th day is dedicated to the element Air.
Air is invisible and has no weight. With breathing we can expand and heal, strengthen our immune system and increase our brain function. The fact that the trees are essential in this life supporting weal, is why I called this retreat “Tree Of Life”.
8/8.30 morning training
Fruit breakfast
11am talking circle and veil dance
1pm lunch
Excursion to a wild place and sunset on the cliffs.
8/9pm dinner
Last full day is dedicated to what I call the 5th element and which will be a surprise for the ones to come.
8/8.30 morning training
Fruit breakfast
11am workshop
1pm lunch
5pm special ceremony
Supper special dinner
There will be changes possible if needed.
Only nonsmokers’ ore people that are willing not to smoke during the event are admitted.
We drink no alcohol and no coffee during the retreat.
People that take pills ore special medicine have to tell me before.
Last day I serve breakfast as you wish and accordingly to your needs you check out.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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