Using our powerful image cards, you will create a vision of your life as it is now, your life as you want it to be and what\'s in the way.
Find ways to address the obstacles you face and reveal your true qualities.
Layout a roadmap of each decade, and get a fresh perspective on the most impactful events of your life to date.
You will clarify your emotions and learn how your life experience has prepared you for your next chapter.
Journaling exercises to decipher your own values and desires, create a clear statement of what matters most to you now.
Explore the dangers and threats that concern you most, gain the freedom to manage those risks without avoiding them.
Establish a whole new approach to meet future challenges.
Experience what it feels like to have these things happen and gain confidence in your success.
You will lay out a roadmap for the rest of your life, embody the vision for each major step and record the actions you will take.
Then from your deepest wisdom, you will craft the message of empowerment that will support your next chapter and beyond.
At the end of the retreat, you will have photos and journals to remind you of the insights and choices you realized in each activity.
Your empowering message will be on display and in three months you will receive an encouraging letter from your future self.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change