Exploring the Self Through Jewish and Buddhist Contemplative Practice

Location icon
1661 W Rd, Hot Springs, NC 28743, USA
August 20 - 24, 2025

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

The Nature of the Self is naturally a prime phenomenon that is directly encountered through meditation practice. We can learn a lot about the experience of “selfing” by focused attention on each moment of experience. In addition, from certain Buddhist teachings we might learn that there is “no separate self”. A prime teaching from one school in Jewish mysticism is that “everything is God and nothing but God”. Of course, we would need to unpack with you the “God” concept, but this teaching would also imply no separate self and in fact no separate anything. We will contemplate these teachings in respect to our own experience. 

Our practice instructions will include attention to bodily experience, to our emotional reactivity to moment by moment life experiences and to appreciating Awareness/Consciousness as Divine gifts of life. There will be daily chanting practices as we explore prayer as contemplative practice. The Jewish Sabbath rituals will round out our time together as we see how it can be practiced as a day-long “Mindfulness/Heartfulness” practice intensive that comes every week. Students will have small group practice meetings with each of the teachers.

We no longer require COVID-19 vaccinations to attend our programs, but do still require testing. We require all registered participants to present negative results from a Covid test performed in the 3 days prior to the start of your retreat AND that you consent to being tested upon your arrival at Southern Dharma. Any rapid antigen test is acceptable for testing, including over-the-counter at-home tests.

Thank you for your understanding as we work to ensure the safety of our staff, teachers, retreatants, and larger community!

NEW IN 2024: First-time retreatants at Southern Dharma must arrive by 5pm ET on the first day of retreat. Check-in begins at 3pm. Returning yogis can check-in between 3 and 6pm.

Departures will take place by 2:00pm on the last day of retreat. Please make sure that you can attend the full program before registering.

All registrations are subject to our new 2024 cancellation policy. All retreatants must review and agree to this policy upon registration.

For our 2024 retreats, three fee tiers are offered. Please choose the option that best fits your ability to give in this time. Any amount paid above the Base rate is a tax deductible contribution to Southern Dharma Retreat Center. Your confirmation email is your receipt for tax purposes.

We are deeply grateful for your support.

Note that registration fees do not include dana for the teacher(s). In the Buddhist tradition the teachings are offered freely and teachers are not paid for their offerings. They rely on dana contributions from students. Similarly, Southern Dharma keeps registration fees low to ensure the Dharma is accessible to all. Fees cover only a fraction of Southern Dharma’s operating expenses. We appreciate your practice of generosity to continue the dissemination of the Dharma.

Housing and all meals are included in the program fee. We are currently offering six housing options:

Bed in Lodge, shared double room (2nd floor)
Bed in Lodge, dorm with privacy partitions (3rd floor)
Unheated kuti (single cabin, outdoor bathroom)
Heated kuti (single cabin, outdoor bathroom)
Canvas Tent (furnished, outdoor bathroom)
Basic Tent Platform (camping with your own gear)

Please use the appropriate field in the registration process to let us know your preferences in regards to housing, if any, and also specify if you insist on or prefer being housed with others of the same gender. All housing options are priced the same except for the Basic Tent Platform.

Southern Dharma offers 50% scholarship awards for BIPOC and Young Adults, in addition to those with financial need. Indicate your interest in a Southern Dharma in-house scholarship during the registration process.

This program is also eligible for Hemera Contemplative Fellowships. Please note that you must apply for the Fellowship prior to registering for any program. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Read More

Getting Here

Location icon Southern Dharma, 1661 W Rd, Hot Springs, NC 28743, USA


Retreat Volunteer- Must have previously sat retreat at Southern Dharma

Retreat Volunteers are expected to serve in the kitchen for 1 hour and 15 minutes before lunch and dinner on all retreat days. Tasks may include any or all of the following: Putting away clean dishes and utensils, washing dishes before the meal, setting food out on the buffet, preparing salad dressings from recipes, and other basic tasks as assigned by the cook. No prior experience is required, but, retreat volunteers must have previously attended an on-site retreat with Southern Dharma to serve in this role. Outside of these assigned tasks, retreat volunteers are welcome to attend all regular program sessions and participate fully in the retreat. There is no fee associated with this service. Retreat Volunteers are, of course, welcome to offer dana to the Center at any time they choose to and they are invited to offer dana to the teacher(s) at the end of the program.   Read More

Bed in Lodge (shared accommodations)


Furnished Canvas Tent


Single Heated Cabin (Kuti)


Single Unheated Cabin (Kuti)


Tent Platform

If you prefer a ground site for your tent, please choose this option and email registrar@southerndharma.org to let us know. Read More

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