HAI Global's "Connecting in Love" is the first in a series of nine weekend immersive and experiential residential workshop retreats that HAI Global produces. And while it is our 'first level' workshop, it is designed to be impactful no matter where you are in your personal growth journey.
For some who come to their first HAI workshop, they may not be able to identify anything specifically wrong with their lives, but just that they want something different. "Connecting in Love" is a safe place for you to explore your inner world, as well as your connections with others. Our focus on love, intimacy, and healthy sexuality provides fertile ground for self discovery and transformation. If you've been craving human interaction and enjoy personal growth within a supportive community, this workshop is for you.
Our highly trained expert Facilitators lead the group in gentle yet profound exercises designed to help you explore concepts such as self-love, forgiveness, body image, letting go of judgment, how we define sex, and creating intimacy. There will be breakouts in pairs, quads and small groups along with large group integration. And you'll also have a 'buddy' for the weekend for support and camaraderie.
And, of course, there is time for solo introspection and fun - dancing, hot-tubbing (at most of our retreat locations), impromptu yoga, or just hanging out with new friends. There's even 'entertainment/self-expression' segment on Saturday night for those that want to participate. Many people make life-long friends at HAI workshops.
Yes, this workshop is clothing optional - there is a gentle unrobing exercise on Saturday - and all choices are honored. We invite you to be both empowered, and naked. Naked in both your body, and your emotions. What if there were truly nothing in the way?
Some of the things available to you in a "Connecting in Love" workshop
- Discover you are beautiful and lovable, just as you are
- Heal the fear and shame that get in the way of connection
- Practice speaking and listening from your heart
- Accept and love your body just as it is
- Change habits and patterns that no longer serve you
- Feel the encouragement of an accepting and supportive community
- Take risks, have fun, change your life
Come let your guard down, let your heart be touched, and come home to yourself.
“I learned at HAI workshops that I really am lovable and valuable, and I now believe people when they tell me, ‘I love you.’ As I have opened to loving myself, it has made my relationships so much richer, deeper and real.” ~K.L.
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