Our 8 day Psycho-Spiritual Retreat is formulated for deep healing, and revolves around the Bwiti traditional ceremonies.
Day 1 - Arrival Day; This is your day to make your travel, be picked up at the airport by one of our team members, and settle in to the space. Orientation Circle after dinner to meet the team. other guests, and discuss the week.
Day 2 - One on One with your Bwiti Iboga provider to discuss your goals for your ceremony. This gives you a chance to get to know each other better, and your provider will guide you in a written exercise in preparation for your ceremony. Iboga ceremony #1 begins at sundown.
Day 3 - Rest and Integration Day; When the sun rises after your ceremony night in the temple, you will be led back to your private room to rest and reflect on your experience. This is an important day to let all of the pieces fall into place, and we will be checking in with you to make sure you have the support and nourishment you need throughout the day.
Day 4- Spiritual Shower Ceremony; this is an African Cleansing Ceremony to wash away any lingering doubt and fear, and call in your new life. This day also provides an opportunity to get the extra rest and nourishment that you need before your next ceremony.
Day 5 - One on One with your provider to recalibrate your goals and intentions, share your experience so far, and ask any questions you have. Iboga Ceremony #2 at sundown.
Day 6 - Rest and Integration Day; When the sun rises after your ceremony night in the temple, you will be led back to your private room to rest and reflect on your experience. This is an important day to let all of the pieces fall into place, and we will be checking in with you to make sure you have the support and nourishment you need throughout the day.
Day 7 - Beach Day; This day we spend time at one of the many beautiful beaches surrounding the center, and enjoy nature together for the final retreat day.
Day 8 - Departure Day; Guests are welcome to depart anytime before noon on this day.
This week will be led by the Bwiti tradition, and structured as we were instructed by our teacher, keeping all of the traditional indigenous techniques at the forefront.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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