800-Hour Professional Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training 2026

January 4, 2026 - January 2, 2028

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

It's the event of the century!

Getting Here

Location icon Sivananda Yoga Farm


Full Tuition + $600 accommodation fee per module

Customer Reviews

4.67 out of 5.0 average rating

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Will return
Was apprehensive of going because of my health conditions and reserved only for two nights. Regret that very much as I wished I stayed longer. The staff are very understanding, attentive to your needs and kind. I feel much better even with only two days. Thank you for the gita lessons, the satsang and even Karma yoga. I feel blessed.

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Memroiall day weekend.
Disorganized. No schedule ahead of time. Everything is decided a day bofore or on the spot.

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Sivananda Yoga Farm
It's 2021 now, but 2007 was my first introduction to the Sivananda Yoga Farm where my heart and soul were touched immediately. Thereafter attended many workshops, conferences and graduated from TTC in 2009. These experiences changed my philosophy and attitude to one of service especially for the disabled, elderly, and my mother, over a profession.

My mother passed a few years ago but am so thankful we spent quality years together prior. I thank Sivananda Yoga Farm and Swami Sita for this. Her influence and the Sivananda teachings made a tremendous difference in my life and in my mother's end. My Mom said to me "the biggest change in you is your belief in God, and I never thought about the time before Jesus".

We shared such Peace. OmOmOm!

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Glories of the Upanishads
It was a joy to study the Mandukya Upanishad on line at Sivananda Ashram. Learning about the three states of being i.e., waking, dreaming and deep sleep state and their repeating cycle of evolution and de-evolution was most intriguing.

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Yoga in Transition and Crisis Management with Swami Jnaneswariananda Saraswati
This was a wonderful interactive course where Swami Jnaneswariananda gently but firmly taught the significance of becoming a silent witness to our instinctual emotions, thus allowing us to develop our intuition of all one consciousness. And in that process to be aware of the "pitfall" of justifying our emotions by reasoning.