Students who complete their training will receive Yoga Alliance International certification, enabling them to teach worldwide.
This course is fully accredited by Yoga Alliance International. Shiatsu & Yoga Academy Europe graduates are able to register on the Yoga Alliance International database upon completion of the course and will receive YAI and SYM certification, enabling future graduates to teach internationally.
2 years or 100 hours minimum practice is required. Successful applicants should also be in general good health both physically and emotionally, in order to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires.
Individuals who do not meet these minimum requirements may still apply for a place and their applications will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
-200-hour yoga teacher training
Ashtanga / Vinyasa Yoga
Asana practice includes the exploration of the chakras with an emphasis on their profound healing properties.
The course includes pranayama, asana, relaxation (Savasana), meditation, nutrition, yoga philosophy and psychology, bodywork, and chakra balancing. Sequences taught are designed to improve both strength and flexibility as well as bring awareness to the flow of subtle energy. Students need to respect their own limitations and are not expected to exercise beyond their own physical capacities.
This Yoga Teacher training reflects a therapeutic approach to Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga.
-Course objectives
This program will enable future graduates to teach with confidence. The sequences taught are designed to provide an excellent foundation to all the basic poses, to teach avoiding any injury, and where necessary, adapt poses and sequences for differing physical levels and needs.
Physical, emotional, and mental relaxation are essential to recover from stress, fatigue, anxiety, and disease. Through deep relaxation, you can truly let go and begin the journey towards health and wholeness.
This is an essential tool for calming the mind and creating stillness and peace within. Meditation facilitates a deeper dialogue with the self as it necessitates concentration and going inwards. The course offers both guided and non-guided meditation sessions.
-Body work
The 200-hour yoga teacher training includes some basic Shiatsu body work, which students can take home to practice on friends and family.
-Yogic nutrition
Good digestion is essential for health and also leads to more balanced emotions, better concentration, and better meditation. Yogic nutrition is based on eating healthy and nutritious foods to build a strong body and mind.
-Course syllabus - 200 hours
This includes contact hours with a teacher and individual and / or group study.
-Yoga asanas
*Basic routine, postures, and variations
Sun salutation
Abdominal breathing
Full yogic breath
Pranayama techniques
Recuperative and advanced postures
-Practice and teaching
*Beginners and intermediary classes for all levels and ages
*In-depth asana practice and variations (touches on classes for the elderly, children, and yoga for pregnancy)
Teaching techniques:
*Guiding, coaching, leading
Use of language and communication
Use of props
Hands-on assisting
Finding your personal teaching style
Designing classes for mixed levels
Teaching new postures in-depth
Assessing individual needs
Safety guidelines
The course also includes discussion on teaching yoga as a business, including self employment, safety, legal requirements, and marketing.
-Anatomy and physiology
*Basic anatomy and physiology, including the spine, respiration, circulation, digestion, and elimination
*Hormonal, nervous, urinary, and immune systems
*Physiological and energetic effects of asanas, pranayama, meditation, and relaxation
*Benefits and contraindications for all asanas (poses)
*Effects of structural and postural alignment on health and wellbeing
*Stress and stress management
*Principles of diet and nutrition
-Philosophy, psychology, lifestyle, energetics, and ethics
*The five points of yoga
The four paths of yoga
The eight limbs of yoga
The gunas
The five koshas
The four elements and the akasha
Prana (qi), concept of energy, the nadis and Chinese Acupuncture meridians
The chakras (energy centers)
The bandhas
Karma and reincarnation
Teacher-student relationship
Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita
The yugas
Principles and benefits of meditation
Ethics for yoga teachers
-Non-contact hours
*Karma yoga is a fundamental tenant of yoga and means selfless service. Students are expected to participate in some of the daily chores as part of this service. This is approximately 30 minutes per day.
*Homework and group study
Trainees should attend a minimum of 90% of the course. Should trainees miss more than this minimum, they will need to agree with the teacher which modules to retake. SYM reserves the right to charge additional fees for these catch up modules.
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