Come to beautiful Sarasota, Florida for a healing vacation. We have a soothing sea, gentle breezes, and crystal sand.
This peaceful setting will be the perfect place for your body to unwind and heal from the prior phase of your life.
It doesn't matter if you had a baby a year ago or 40 years ago.
Your body doesn't automatically go back the way it was before the baby.
Sometimes it is "good enough" but as we age, things catch up with us and problems become more pronounced.
We will work with manual hands-on therapy to treat any displaced organ, compromised vascular system, prolapse, incontinence, pain, scars or any other problems that can result from having a baby.
Women will schedule 20 hours of care while they are in Sarasota, FL.
If you are in town for a week, you will schedule 4 hours of daily care.
You can split this care into two, two hour periods, or schedule four hours of care in a row.
You will receive approximately 30-60 minutes of consultation to find out your health history and review any lab and imaging you already have had.
Generally postpartum renewal care is primarily manual hands-on therapy with some exercises.
Manual hands-on therapy will include vascular/visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage, myofascial adhesion release, craniosacral therapy, holistic pelvic care, pelvic floor therapy, energy work, and a mind-body therapy called neuroemotional technique to address any emotional components related to the birth.
Any lab, supplements, castor oil packs, or other equipment are not included in the price for the individual retreat.
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