Come to beautiful Sarasota, Florida for a healing vacation. We have a soothing sea, gentle breezes, and crystal sand.
This peaceful setting will be the perfect place for your body to unwind and heal from the past phase of your life.
If you have pelvic floor issues such as pain or incontinence or prolapse that have not fully responded to classic PT pelvic floor therapy, perhaps there are other contributing factors that might not yet have been addressed. If symptoms persist, sometimes this is because the fluid system of the body has not yet been addressed, and all the good work you have had has not been able to set up properly.
You will receive 20 hours of personalized care with Dr. Caroline Peterson.
During this time she will do a 30-60 minute consult in which you will share your health history, and prior lab and imaging.
After that, you will have a physical assessment and be treated with manual hands-on therapy including vascular/visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage, myofascial adhesion release, holistic pelvic care, pelvic floor therapy, craniosacral therapy, energy work, and a mind-body therapy called neuroemotional technique to address any emotional components of your pelvic floor issues.
Exercise is often important to help heal pelvic floor issues. We will sprinkle in exercises during your care, and you will have documents and videos you can use to remind you of the exercises at home.
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