Come to beautiful Sarasota, Florida for a healing vacation. We have a soothing sea, gentle breezes, and crystal sand.
This peaceful setting will be the perfect place for your body to unwind and heal from the past phase of your life.
Neuroemotional technique (NET) is a beautiful approach to healing emotional trauma like PTSD and cPTSD.
NET is similar to EMDR or emotional freedom technique.
I addresses the subconscious component of trauma by reworking neural pathways.
Neuroemotional technique (NET) combines behavioral psychology, chinese medicine, and the chiropractic adjustment.
Behavioral psychology teaches that things happen to us earlier in life and we make an erroneous association between two things that were associated in the past, but not necessarily associated now. That is the conditioned response.
NET attempts to identify the original triggering event and then desensitizes to it by using reflexes for the organs that are holding stuck emotions and combining that with tapping.
Sometimes the body holds trauma in the energy body, also.
If there is stuck trauma in the energy body, Caroline will gently help your body release it, clean the area, and support the healing of the field. Sometimes craniosacral therapy will be enlisted to help integrate the work.
10 hours of care for emotional trauma can make a big difference for you.
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