7-Day Ayahuasca EQUINOX Retreat with Peruvian Maestro Sanango (Faro, Portugal)

Location icon
Faro District, Portugal
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Up to 14 in group
Sep 21 - 27, 2024

Retreat Highlights

  • Two Ayahuasca Ceremonies with Maestro Sanango
  • Purging Ceremony (La Purga) with purgative Master Plants
  • Kambo Ceremony
  • Plant Purification Baths with plants for protection, cleansing and harmonization
  • Introduction, Q&As and Post Ceremony Integration with Maestro Sanango
  • Post Ceremony Drawing and Sharing Circles
  • Discursive Talks on Shamanism, Plant Medicine and the Awakening of Consciousness
  • HOMA, Agnihotra - Sacred Vedic Fire Ceremony
  • Meditation sessions
  • English/Spanish Translation with Ananda between Sanango and Participants
  • Option to extend your stay by 3 days with Full Kambo Initiation, Detox and Preparation:
  • - Arrive 3 days early to our venue
  • - Full Kambo Initiation (2 additional ceremonies during preparation / 1 during retreat)
  • - Ayurvedic Detox & Healing diet
  • - Diuretic Plant Medicine cleanse
  • - Silence Process, Intention Setting & Grounding sessions to prepare to receive Ayahuasca

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

Through this retreat we aim to create a safe and sacred space that allows each individual to experience profound spiritual healing and understanding. We do this with the hope to contribute to the healing and liberation of humanity and our beautiful planet.

Our world is in need of a true revolution, the kind of revolution that comes about by opening our hearts in a genuine search for truth. Ayahuasca is a sacred opportunity and we share the tradition of Amazonian shamanism and knowledge of Vedic philosophy with our greatest gratitude, purity and truth.

Sinchi Runa

Sinchi Runa is an intimate ayahuasca and master plant retreat center, as well as a family and student home. We are dedicated to provide and nurture a safe, compassionate, and sacred space in which one can experience genuine healing and spiritual awakening. Our mission is to help each individual reconnect with their true essence by awakening the capacity of wisdom that resides within their heart.

With more than twenty five years of in-depth experiential work with Ayahuasca and a variety of shamanic master plants and natural entheogens, we specialize in master plant dietas, intensive retreats, deep immersion processes, and depression and addiction treatments. All of our services are uniquely customized to nurture and serve each and every individual according to their own understanding and needs.

We provide the opportunity to experience a personal yet universal path of healing that combines traditional and holistic systems and methods of healing. Undergoing a process at Sinchi Runa is a unique opportunity in unveiling and realizing the very nature of existence; an opportunity to reconnect to and discover the truth and freedom of who one truly is.

You can read more about us at https://sinchiruna.com/

Maestro Sanango

Our retreats are directed by Maestro Sanango, a Peruvian spiritual master who has spent several decades inviting Ayahuasca, as well as directing Shamanic Diets or vision quests. Sanango is a “vegetalista” with a deep knowledge of the Master Plants, their metaphysical implications and forms of healing. He has been directing the Sinchi Runa Institute, previously located in the Peruvian Amazon and now located in Portugal, for the past 10 years. Sinchi Runa is now in Portugal offering Ayahuasca Retreats and teachings in shamanism, the shamanic vision, master plants, Vedic philosophy and reconnection with the divine.

Sanango has given lectures on shamanism in Universities of Peru and Guatemala. He has also developed extensive knowledge within the Vedic philosophy, establishing connections and healing tools between the shamanic tradition of Peru and the Vedic philosophy. He works with his students who accompany him and are on a path of understanding, having spent several years learning from him and the Master Plants.

Before the creation of Sinchi Runa, Sanango spent many years learning with different maestros in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as prolonged retreats in solitude with Master Plants in what are traditionally called shamanic diets, dietas or vision quests. During this time, he created a deep bond with the spirit of Ayahuasca and other medicinal plants and divine deities that allow him to celebrate safe ceremonies and processes that lead to a deep spiritual realization and healing of the soul.

Our Vision

At Sinchi Runa, we feel that all healing comes from understanding, from the resolution of our inner conflicts in an encounter with truth and our awakening.

For this, we need sincerity in our search, a willingness to truly see ourselves in our light and shadow beyond our conditioning, beliefs and mental paradigms.

The search for silence is our greatest tool on this inner journey and introspection with master plants. In the nakedness of silence, we are given the opportunity to truly face ourselves, to feel our hearts and the inner master speaking, while allowing the plants to teach and guide us.

With the wisdom of the Amazonian traditions and the invaluable teachings of Vedic philosophy, we try to serve this search for truth through silence and an authentic path of awakening with Ayahuasca and Master Plants – a path of healing through understanding and thereby seeking to open the heart and awaken the nature of love and compassion that resides in each of us.

Silence and Contemplation in Nature

Retreats with Sinchi Runa use the tool of silence (with the exception of sharing circles or consultations with Maestro Sanango or facilitators) to allow each person to interiorize and inward in their process. We seek to free ourselves from the need to constantly 'do', and instead begin to 'be', to feel ourselves, our hearts and the plants speaking to us. 

Silence is the most important part of the retreat and in deepening the work with the master plants, but speaking is always allowed with facilitators and the Maestro when in need of assistance.

This retreat is a precious opportunity in search of truth, understanding and healing, an opportunity to begin observing and knowing ourselves, our minds and our reactions. This requires a discipline of constant awareness and search for silence. This search is manifested outwardly in refraining from all forms of contact (verbal, written, visual eye contact, and conserving our personal space) to allow the inward search for silence to unfold.

It is important to be able to detach from the usual “day-to-day” routines, habits, personal stories and external noise, in order to be able to integrate the healing and wisdom through one's process with the plants. Disconnection with the exterior allows us to concentrate all of our energy on the healing process and gives space to observe our lives without interference from the elements that one way or another have created the circumstance we are living in. We nurture and provide the space for self-observation, introspection, and contemplation.

The opportunity of a process with master plants is to become aware of and release what causes one harm and to understand oneself and one’s relationship to the entire movement of life and existence. This is a beautiful and challenging process of comprehension, reflection and silence that requires great willpower, dedication, honesty, sacrifice and purity of intention.

About us:

About us: www.sinchiruna.com
Terms & Conditions: www.sinchiruna.com/terms-conditions/
Contraindications with plant work: www.sinchiruna.com/contraindications/


There is no 'time' on retreats, to invite you to enter a space of silence and Being with nature.
Our retreats include ceremonies, group talks, sharing and integration circles with Maestro Sanango, meditation sessions, time for personal 1-1 consultations with Maestro Sanango, and space to be in nature.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Sinchi Runa, Faro District, Portugal


We are located about 60min from Faro airport. You will need to make your way to Huelva bus station, where a transfer will pick you up to take you to our retreat center. There are daily connections to Huelva from Faro. We will share further details with you upon registration.


Participants will stay in a private, spacious and comfortable glamping bell tent, complete with a bed, mattress and duvet. Each tent is immersed in the countryside's natural beauty and view, with conditions conducive of reconnecting with oneself, with nature and with the spirit of the plants. Our facilities (kitchen, bathroom, shower) are outdoors, though for some winter retreats we may open indoor showers depending on weather conditions. Our accommodations and facilities are purposefully rustic and non-luxurious to bring us closer to nature and the earth. It is an integral part of the work to be in stillness with nature, to be able to hear the birds, feel the wind, the sun, and to see the stars, and within that stillness to begin to hear ourselves, our hearts, and the wisdom of the plants. For the duration of the retreat, we put aside some of our accustomed comforts to bring us closer to what is essential inside us.

Program Price

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
We are located in the beautiful quiet countryside about 60 minutes from Faro Airport (Portugal) near Huelva.
Our retreat venue is immersed in nature, in a forest garden surrounded by the countryside and a nature reserve. You wake up to sound of wind and birds, sleeping in tents interspersed between the trees, and there are various beautiful nature walks available in the surrounding area.



Menu Types

You will be served delightful home cooked meals that are vegetarian and low-sodium in accordance to the plant work.

What's Included

  • Two Ayahuasca Ceremonies with Maestro Sanango
  • Purging Ceremony (La Purga) with purgative Master Plants
  • Kambo Ceremony
  • Plant Purification Bath with plants for protection, cleansing and harmonization
  • Introduction, Q&As and Post Ceremony Integration with Maestro Sanango
  • Post Ceremony Drawing and Sharing Circles
  • Private consultation with Maestro Sanango
  • Discursive Talks on Shamanism, Plant Medicine and the Awakening of Consciousness
  • HOMA, Agnihotra - Sacred Vedic Fire Ceremony
  • Meditation sessions
  • English/Spanish Translation with Ananda between Sanango and Participants
  • Home made vegetarian meals
  • Accommodation for full duration of the retreat in a beautiful spacious bell-tent surrounded by nature.
  • Shuttle to and from Huelva
  • Optional addon: extend your stay by 3 days with Full Kambo Initiation, Detox and Preparation:
  • - Arrive 3 days early to our venue
  • - Full Kambo Initiation (2 additional ceremonies during preparation / 1 during retreat)
  • - Ayurvedic Detox & Healing diet
  • - Diuretic Plant Medicine cleanse
  • - Silence Process, Intention Setting & Grounding sessions to prepare to receive Ayahuasca

What's Not Included

  • Airfare, 3-day Detox & Kambo Retreat Preparation (optional add-on)

Customer Reviews

4.87 out of 5.0 average rating

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Unpleasant Surprise
What I initially believed to be the most profound experience of my life turned into a nightmare. During my ayahuasca ceremony, I felt an entity enter my body, guiding me through the journey, speaking to me, and revealing things about other dimensions and people—things I could never have known on my own. It even moved my body, a presence so real and insistent that I was certain it was here to help me.

After the ceremony, I told what happened to Sanango and asked him what it was, but he gave no concrete response. The entity returned during the second ceremony, and again, I received no answer when I questioned what it was. Fast forward a week, and I began to realize that the entity had attached itself to me—and it was anything but benevolent. What followed were months of torment. It wasn’t a guide; it was an evil entity that refused to leave. In desperation, I had to involve priests and underwent multiple exorcisms. It was, without a doubt, the most terrifying experience of my life.

Through this ordeal, I learned that astral entities can attach themselves to people during ceremonies if the space is not properly protected or if the practitioner is not clean. This is common knowledge and many people speak about it. I feel compelled to warn others considering Sinchi Runa: On top of this entity attachment, I had no real debriefing after the ceremonies, no proper guidance, and my concerns about an entity entering my body were completely dismissed. I am still baffled by how such a serious issue could be ignored.

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Life Changer🙏🏻
I am beyond grateful to the wonderful team at Sinchi Runa for their amazing work and support through one of the most important moments in my life.
They create and hold such a warm and safe space that allows you to truly work in depth with yourself.
It was for me, a life changer in many ways. The area is beautiful, the accommodation is peaceful and the team is supportive and professional.
They all hold a special place in my heart and my deepest gratitude for an unforgettable experience.

I had never done Ayahuasca before, since I felt I wasn't quite ready yet. I am now glad I did a lot of work before coming which only enhanced my experience. I believe it to be a serious and amazing experience for those who also appreciate and respect the process. Best gift I have given myself.

Thank you Sanango, Fiona, Ajuna & Ananda ❤️🙏🏻
/the girl with the Spirit Animal Cards 🐉

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One of the most authentic experiences
For me this was one of the deepest experiences I ever had at the ceremonies. The location was beautiful, setting was clean and authentic, people working are very professional and respectful. I would have come again, but the experience was too deep to repeat it in a while.

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The most incredible experience of my life
I came into this experience trepidatious of my expectations and the experience as a whole. I had learnt about Ayahuasca but I had no experience. Was I going to be okay? Was this place safe? Was I safe? When I arrived, I was immediately taken back by the calm and sweet disposition of everyone that worked there. As I stayed, that initial reaction was grounded in a deep love and admiration for the whole team at Sinchi Runa. If you want to experience Ayahuasca but also are worried about being cared for, understood and truly seen during your stay; you needn't worry. This place is amazing, the people incredible and Sanango is a true master at what he does. Do not put it off any longer. Book, go, experience, connect with yourself and others, open your heart to Ayahuasca and I can promise you that if you decide to go to Sinchi Runa, you will not be disappointed.

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Integrity, authentic, genuine
I did a 7-day silent Ayahuasca with La Purga, Kambo, 2 ayahuasca ceremonies, meditation, drawing of our ayahuasca process, group talks etc.

I felt very drawn to the retreat and booked it without reading much about it.
Didn't read about the silence fx. which was an unpleasant surprise for me at first, but turned out to be the most important factor which connected me deeply to myself.

This retreat is so well made and all of the people behind Sinchi Runa have walked the road and they absolutely practice what they preach with such sincerity, wisdom and so much integrity!
It was also very intense and challenging both physically and mentally, but I was taken such good and kind care of by everyone there and they taught me how to handle my challenges through my breath, simple and gentle.

It's difficult to put this experience into words, cause it's simply just something that needs to be experienced, but I will absolutely promise you that Sinchi Runa is worth all 5 stars and more!

At last the food was amazing and the tents were very nice to!

Wish you a pleasant and transformation journey at Sinchi Runa <3