This private couple's retreat caters exclusively to you.
You will learn tantric aqua yoga movements to enhance loving energies within your relationship.
Each couple receives a private aqua floating therapy session to enhance relaxation and spiritual expansion.
Couples learn how to hold each other in water to re-ignite the subconscious mother child bond within themselves, each other, and the relationship. This generates peace, pleasure, relaxation, safety, trust, and fosters a deeper connection between two people.
Guided hypnosis sessions help each of the two partners receive guidance and insights from their subconscious higher self. This will help strengthen the couple's relationship.
Special energetic breathing techniques are shared that transform blockages into bridges of deeper connection.
Energetic healing touch is shown to couple as a way of communicating beyond words.
Peace restoring phases are given that help the couple sustain peace within the relationship.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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