10 day DIETA with Santa Maria and Huachuma Ceremonies PORTUGAL

5.002 reviews
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Centro Region, Portugal, Portugal
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Up to 2 in group
Open Dates

Retreat Highlights

  • 10 day Plant Dieta and Huachuma Ceremonies

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

A master plant dieta is a traditional process of meeting and connecting with the spirits of the plants, enabling the specific plant spirit to directly share its teachings and wisdom, and imbue and embed its healing medicine within you. By creating a respectful bond with a plant spirit you ensure their guidance and assistance during your healing journey.

Each master plant has a living spirit within, with its own unique gifts. They are healers and teachers who become alive inside of you through the dieta process. Initially, when you are new to traditional medicine, all dietas are for healing until your body, mind, and soul are sufficiently prepared and purified. The dieta process is very personal and different for everyone, taking you through many challenges yet ultimately resulting in an experience of wholeness and alignment.

By dieting a master plant or tree, you build a relationship with the spirit that analyses the biography of your life then helps you to recognize the errors of your ways, blindspots, judgements, projections, the roots of your pain, where your life is out of balance, and the source of your psycho-emotional struggles. Deep awareness of who and what you really are flowers from within during and after the process of a dieta.

Through showing commitment, devotion, and respect to the plant, coupled with trusting and surrendering to the process, a profound shift in your relationship with yourself arises. When you have established a connection with the plant, it then becomes an inner guide and ally that supports you for the rest of your life


10 day schedule will be discussed with Participant for the most comfortable staying
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Dos Águilas Healing, Centro Region, Portugal, Portugal


We are based in Central Portugal
Lisbon Airport and Porto Airport international airports is recommended


Our venues is providing shared rooms,camping space and a private accommodation upon request

Program Price

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Spacious and safe environment to meet a highest standards of staying for our participants



Menu Types

We providing freshly cooked vegan/vegetarian meals for our workshops and retreats. We are using local organic products to create our meal with love and dedication to a healing

What's Included

  • Welcome video call
  • Preparation guidance
  • Pick up /drop off to/from meeting point
  • Tobacco purge
  • Plant baths
  • Initiation to Santa Maria dieta
  • 2 guided Huachuma ceremonies
  • Private accomodation
  • Dieta food
  • Mountain hikes
  • Energy balance
  • Meditation sessions
  • Breathwork sessions
  • Integration sessions

What's Not Included

  • Plane/bus/taxi tickets
  • Hotel
  • Personal hygiene items for daily use

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Exceeded expectations
I am so touched by my experiece at this retreat. The atmosphere was so safe and welcoming. Both Yuri and Hev were amazing. Wonderful loving people 🥺 Im already thinking of attending another in the future 🙏🏻❤️

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What a perfectly orchestrated weekend!
The intention of the retreat was a perfect match for what I needed. I got that and much more! The organizers created such a beautiful space. Feeling I was both spending a weekend with good friends, despite not knowing anyone from before. While also getting a safe place to put my attention inwards.

The tools and practices connected perfectly together and to the intention of the weekend, and Yuris guidance made them effortless to engage in. I could feel the passion and genuine interest from the organizers in very step of the process.

Thank you for holding the space for me! So grateful to be back to feeling my heart and seeing clearly again.
