Zaguán del Cielo, Callejon Retiro, Cusco, Perú
Up to 10 in group
Open Dates
About this Retreat
Wayna Qhapaq is a solar priest (shaman) from the Andes who has spent a large part of his life teaching Andean culture and practicing spirituality in his community. He was born in the historic city of Cusco, in Perú, surrounded by the majesty of the Andean mountains and the cultural tradition of his people. From an early age, Wayna Qhapaq learned from the ancient wisdom of his people and embarked on the path of the solar priest (shaman). Wayna Qhapaq has dedicated his life to teaching Andean spirituality, transmitting ancient knowledge, and rituals to future generations. Through his teachings, he has helped people find inner peace, harmony with nature, and physical and emotional healing.
Willka Pacha was born and raised in the city of Cusco, surrounded by Andean culture and spirituality. From a young age, she was always drawn to spiritual practices and subtle energies that permeated her environment. As she grew up, she began to study and practice shamanic healing, learning from the elders and teachers of her community. Over time, Willka Pacha became a priestess of the moon, with a special focus on working with feminine energy and conducting cleansings. She also trained in shamanic reiki, a healing technique that uses ancestral shamanic energy to heal the body and mind.
Willka Pacha has helped many people to heal and find inner peace. Her cleansings, which involve the use of eggs, herbs, sounds, and other methods, have been especially effective in eliminating negative energies and emotional blocks in her patients. Additionally, her work with feminine energy has been particularly relevant for women who seek to connect with their inner power and heal their emotional wounds.
Carolina was born in the beautiful city of Cusco during the month in the Inca calendar dedicated to honoring our ancestors. In addition, her birthday coincides with a very significant day for her country, the commemoration of the rebellion led by Tupac Amaru II, a national hero who fought for Peru’s independence. From a young age, Carolina felt a strong connection to the world of medicine. Her curiosity and passion for helping others led her to become aware of her energy as a woman and to deeply value her Inka culture. She now considers herself a daughter of the sun and moon, with a special connection to nature and the spiritual world. Along her spiritual path, Carolina has learned about love, care, and protection for Mother Earth, and she tries to respect it in all her actions and thoughts. In addition to her dedication to the well-being of others, Carolina enjoys the simple things in life, such as dancing, listening to music, and walking outdoors. She is always seeking new knowledge to enrich her life and those around her. Carolina is a strong, dedicated, and compassionate woman with a deep connection to her culture and natural environment. Her love for life, learning, and helping others makes her a valuable person for her community and her country.”
Details of this retreat
This therapeutic program is designed to facilitate both physical and spiritual detoxification, employing a series of three expertly-crafted sessions. Following each session, ample time will be allotted for rest, recuperation, and reflection on the profound insights revealed during the ceremony. The Ayahuasca ceremony itself is performed under the cover of night, to maximize the mind’s receptivity to the medicine’s mystical properties. Integral to the effectiveness of the program is the pre-ceremony diet, which spans a minimum of three days and mandates avoidance of red meat, alcohol, drugs, sex, as well as limitation of sugar, salt, and spice. For optimal results, we strongly recommend supplementing the diet with pineapple extract prior to breakfast, as it enhances the clarity and vividness of the visions experienced during the ceremony. The longer the diet is followed, the more pronounced and transformative the results are bound to be.
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