A 10-day wellness retreat is the best option for those who want comprehensive wellness detox experience that offers multiple benefits, including cleansing your digestive system, eliminating toxins, revitalizing your mind and improving all-around physical and spiritual wellness. The retreat is based on our tested Prama Wellness Method, which integrates juice cleanse, ayurvedic lifestyle techniques, plant-based diet, yoga postures, meditation, and personal consultations during the retreat.
During this retreat, you will be eating detoxing fruits and vegetables for 4 days, and you will be juicing for 6 days. For many participants, this is one of the best ways to start experiencing faster weight loss, since the 10-day wellness detox retreat offers all the resources and techniques required to make significant lifestyle changes to better your all-around health.
Additionally, our new 10 day Juice Cleanse retreats will include information and treatment to help balance your gut microbiome. There are millions of microorganisms in our digestive system that help maintain the wellbeing of our bodies. Collectively they are known as our gut microbiome. This retreat will help you restore balance in your microbiome, thereby improving your immune system and health in general.
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