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Taunton, MA, USA
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Retreat Highlights

  • Welcome Soul-Led New Earth Stewardship,
  • This multidimensional stewardship mentorship incubator fosters self-efficacy, the core belief in one's capabilities to organize & execute actions required to achieve set goals, life purpose, visions, lifestyle changes, behavioral shifts, emotional awareness development & stress management relief, all the while profoundly exploring conscious connections, community, professions, careers, relationships & intimate partnerships with unified connection to your core manifestation consciousness of your souls light in a higher dimensional spiritual embodiment.
  • It's about nurturing your confidence in your abilities, elevating you to the next level of who you are stepping into as you continue to grow, empower & explore more of what sets you alight from within, driven by an inner passion for outer exploration. Encouraging grounded self-confidence & developing the capacity to make empowered, informed decisions to solve with self-healing resolutions by achieving desired outcomes akin to a second skin.
  • This means you develop a vast tool kit that you can implement anywhere the path in life takes you, discovering your inner magnetic light, magnetism & ability to change your life at any moment.
  • It's a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling, empowered sovereign life by designing your soul to human illuminative joyous expression.
  • The energetic framework for this can look like this, yet tailored & relevant specifically to you.
  • Setting goals: Self-discovery: Managing challenges: Building confidence: Accountability: Celebrations: Consistency: Personal development: Spiritual Development: Promoting self-love: Emotional Awareness Development: Mental Health & Shadow Work - Inner Child Healing & Multidimensional Soul Development.
  • It can also look like building new business offerings while dismantling old soul contracts that honor your soul's worth as much as your human expression.
  • Understanding geographical locations that amplify your soul's wisdom, gifts & sacred service.
  • Heart: Clearing the heart space to unifier deeper relationships, firstly with self & those in whom you choose to hold conscious unions/ partnerships & collaborations. This is done by conscious relating, self-awareness & heart co-herance. This can cover pre-incarnation, early forming childhood, teen to young adult, & current reality).
  • Mind: Reprogram the mind from negative belief systems, traumatic life experiences, or relationships to build a clear & concise healthful mindset where you are nourished, empowered & self-confident in the choices you make about the life you lead.
  • Body: Understand how, through the multidimensionality of consciousness, the physical body holds the trauma memory at a cellular level. Through somatic awareness, establish ways to sustainably liberate the body to physically heal in ways Western medicine does not understand.
  • Soul: Come to build an inner union with your soul antiquity of power & purpose. Learn to deepen the inner trust & faith that the future version of you is living the life you are called to create within the divine union with your soul.
  • At a glance, aspects that are covered but not limited to are:
  • Email support is provided between bi-weekly sessions during business hours.
  • Fully recorded sessions for lifetime playback
  • Post-session ongoing "homework support" to continue the cadence of growth in integration to a self-actualized embodiment.
  • Releasing suppressed emotions, traumas stagnant & stuck in the body (energetically, as much as physical density)
  • Profound forgiveness of self, others past & present (Develop the inner self-awareness to move beyond history hurts, trauma & wounding about others).
  • Deep inner self-reflection & evolution (Exploring tools beyond journalling to amplify & magnetize you into the version of yourself calling you into action now for your highest wellbeing, heart, mind, body, soul & spirit)
  • Creating a life free from limiting beliefs & patterns, systems, structures & soul contracts/ karmic entanglements.
  • Awaken dormant original angelic DNA for cellular regenesis, accessing more of your primordial source of creational eternal wisdom.
  • Healing Divine Masculine Templating to Own Your inner-King Consciousness
  • Healing Divine Feminine Templating to Own Your inner-Queen Consciousness
  • Reunifying Both Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Original Templating for Embodied Living.
  • Activate your highest inner self-awareness by honoring your most profound purpose here & now, soul service & next soul-led mission alignment with Guradship, Gridwork, & Sacred soul service.
  • Developing a clear awareness in closing out old cycles as lessons are learned to pave liberation in awakening with the new.
  • Continuously rebalancing & harnessing through expanded self-development awareness of your inner masculine & inner feminine energy centers & subtle energetics light bodies (Auric & etheric bodies, Avatar aspects, Bio-Field, Torid fields & Plasma fields of conscious creation).
  • Unpack through curious exploration current blind spots that are identified from a root cause, (soul) past - present - parallel not just the physical plane but through the multidimensionality of the soul to human incarnate to address blockages, inversions, imprints trauma, or wounding by way of clearing them with clear strategies to move forward in life with ease, grace, free agency & love.
  • Learn to access your soul records, life themes, major soul contracts, & partnerships/purpose through the Cosmic Hall Records.
  • You will receive DNA activating, energetic clearings & somatic guidance integration tools for optimal healing, transformation & embodiment.
  • Activating deeper resources to sacred solar feminine & masculine embodiment
  • Understanding to inner-standing the refinement of your gifts & how they can be used to propel your path consciously intentionally, with multidimensional manifestation quantum techniques to implement in your life for radical expansion.
  • You will learn deeply about your soul, the star origins you come from & why you chose to incarnate at this time. Additionally, you will learn past lifetime knowledge impacting current timelines interconnected to the soul path, & soul mission.
  • You will learn to connect to your future, oversoul, cosmic & galactic self aspects through all Avatrs in a rooted, heart-centric - multidisciplinary, sacred divine will expression.
  • Build energetic temples anchored to new earth timelines as you merge physically with them to anchor your diamond light body & templates more congruently & fluidly. (This is bi-locating energy energetically across the multidiemsnionality).
  • Reconnecting to your inner Kingdom & inner Queendom energies
  • Working through hidden or repressed emotions or mental body blockages with straightforward, concise, developed emotional awareness tools & somatic release techniques for complete holistic healing growth.
  • You will come to learn & move through the core root cause of manifestation blocks or entanglements - personally, professionally & intimately in the highest property dimensions impacting your current reality.
  • You will be stewarded in seeing your blind spots in reparenting your inner child, teen, & youthful adult to present-day relating, connecting, communicating & intimacy.
  • Multidimensional energetic clearings positively impact health, wealth, self-acceptance & growth.
  • Shadow work/ clearings, working with the shadow self with applied somatic / integration tools, will be given.
  • Soul service building - honoring your self-worth & soul worth in all solutions being called forth into self-realized action.
  • Relationship Development - professional, personal & intimate
  • Stress reduction & emotional intelligence/regulation with somatic release development
  • Earthly, Cosmic & Galactic Shamanic techniques for multidimensional clearing, healing & soul activations
  • Address ancestral & generational soul imprints, trauma, bondage & enmeshments with any energetic overlays that need addressing to reclaim more of your soul, incarnate embodied soul wisdom in divine-human self-led mastery.
  • Build Conscious Sovereign Divine Will Leadership in all you build forward.

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

The path of self-healing mastery is through the continuous ascension of consciousness, self-inquiry, & expanded curious evolution. It is a profound, immersive journey of both inner & outer exploration in regaining total free agency & divine immunity over one's holistic entire heart, mind, body & soul with reunification in divine solar synthesis in one's own original divine blueprint templating across all areas of life, seen & unseen as a powerful barometer if unified benevolence, devotion purity in unity.

As such, through self-healing mastery, we remember our purest nature by living our highest human expression & divine alignment in grounded multidimensional conscious human embodiment.

Humanity, as much as Beloved Mother Earth, is continuing through an awakening from stasis, birthing a unified collective consciousness of primordial creation - rebuilding individual as much as collective unified divine destiny & inheritance once more.

As part of the cornerstone of unity, the primordial creational Consciousness of God (Mother Father Arc) is the foundation of the reunification of the divine principle of oneness through the harmonics of the sacred solar divine feminine & sacred solar divine masculine principles of oneness within us all.

The return of the sacred eternal inner wisdom into inner harmonic wholeness, immunity, & wellness of divine sovereignty, & free agency - both individually & collectively occurs through expanded multidimensional awareness & recalibration on all levels, systems & realities.

Over the last decade, through stewarding as a teacher of teachers, individuals like yourself who embark on new trajectories with soul service, mission-led organizations, companies & solutions come to new levels of stewardship-conscious guardianship of the New Earth.

The next two decades prove to be trailblazing eras for humanity & beloved Mother Earth through the dynamic continuation of rebalancing of the systems, structures & foundational implementation of the new earth technologies.

New Earth technologies are not referred to in the exchange of artificial structures or artificial intelligence, but instead of the ongoing elevation in rooting god world domain, pure primordial Consciousness through more profound rehabilitation where systems, networks & communities were living in poverty, separation & segregation comes back into a unified voice, unified presence & unified loving co-creation upon Beloved Mother Earth.

As such, this new level of sacred stewardship you are being called into action brings many new levels in the depth of awareness in reconciling with your own shadow templating, previous career structures, family, friendship & community influence while carving out new pathways in which what new system's you are being called into implementing.

It may already be on your radar the need to prepare for a career shift entirely out of old system structures so you can birth through your original angelic DNA divine blueprint the soul maps, contracts & templates as part of your new earth stewardship leading the community you reside in & sacredly serve.

You may be aware that you are being called to level up on the way you currently operate in conscious, holistic sacred service to take on entirely new types of soul work within the structure of your existing soul-led mission business.

You may have felt called to relocate to a new city, country, or continent, whereby the level of multidimensional preparation is sizable as you continue to service the clients, solutions, or company you currently are working within while honoring the soul magnitude of the soul contracts calling you forward in a way where you do not have previous reference points, support systems or community. As you are being called to create these as a trailblazer of new.

Over the next two decades, those who are congruent with foundational co-creational embodied wisdom will pave the way for future guardians, star-seeds, ascension guides & lightworkers to unify deeper by the missions being called into action to support humanity further, future generations as much as the rewilding of beloved divine Mother Earth & her sentient living light force of creation.

Within the next decade, significant light temples will be built geographically across the beloved Mother Earth to act as physically as much as remote sources of wisdom locations. In these sacred sites of holistic multidimensional homesteads, new levels of self-mastery will be attained to be taken back into the broader world for implementation.

These will be known as multidimensional. Embodied self-mastery incubators where individuals like yourself come to gain refinement of your own self-healing mastery abilities, wisdom & soul service.

You will know, by intuitive nudges, if you are to lead one of these locations or collaborate in one of these locations globally by the inner divine preparation you have been undertaking to date.

Through my global relocation to serve humanity, Beloved Mother Earth & Mother Father Arc, I have come to witness, learn & embody as a result of what I would steward others into action with.

The conceptualization of stepping into new soul contracts can be met with anticipation, excitement & the radical realization of what steps are needed to sustain change where all aspects of self are being met in harmony, unified divine alignment.

When such soul contracts are in place, the soul has chosen them for specific levels of fulfillment. Not just on a soul level but the dynamic representation of the soul family, star origins, &, of course, on behalf of the creational founder's Consciousness with the Mother-Father Arc -God.

Over a 6-month mentorship incubator, you will prepare yourself across the multitude of multidimensional practical as much as deeply spiritual, emotional, mental, physical & energetic shifts needed to own the path you are carving as you create it, to walk it in full divine ownership of it.

This is where the real work begins,

Understanding the soul's geographical locations that amplify your sacred soul's innate wisdom in human alignment, stewardship with creational consciousness & sacred soul purpose is where you are being called forward.

If you are seeking a no-bullshit, radically honest, heart-centric & fluid embodied divine feminine, divine masculine mentorship container, you have found your home.

Here at THE CHALICE®, the journey to self-healing mastery embodiment is so you can confidently, consciously steward others through their own free agency to serve in ways that are for the soul's highest good & the highest divine will of all in building a sustainable living legacy for future generations to come.

Have you found yourself curious about expanding your awareness through multidimensionality mentorship to serve not only in a sacred, living, loving, grounded, embodied legacy of your own soul's magnitude but on behalf of Mother Father Arc?

Are you ready to own the inner call to come to know yourself & the life you lead with much more intentionality, with grounded direction & amplification in multidimensional healing with elevated results in your life creatively, professionally, personally & intimately?

Welcome Soul-Led New Earth Stewardship,

This multidimensional stewardship mentorship incubator fosters self-efficacy, the core belief in one's capabilities to organize & execute actions required to achieve set goals, life purpose, visions, lifestyle changes, behavioral shifts, emotional awareness development & stress management relief, all the while profoundly exploring conscious connections, community, professions, careers, relationships & intimate partnerships with unified connection to your core manifestation consciousness of your souls light in a higher dimensional spiritual embodiment.

It's about nurturing your confidence in your abilities, elevating you to the next level of who you are stepping into as you continue to grow, empower & explore more of what sets you alight from within, driven by an inner passion for outer exploration. Encouraging grounded self-confidence & developing the capacity to make empowered, informed decisions to solve with self-healing resolutions by achieving desired outcomes akin to a second skin.

This means you develop a vast tool kit that you can implement anywhere the path in life takes you, discovering your inner magnetic light, magnetism & ability to change your life at any moment.

It's a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling, empowered sovereign life by designing your soul to human illuminative joyous expression.

The energetic framework for this can look like this, yet tailored & relevant specifically to you.

Setting goals: Self-discovery: Managing challenges: Building confidence: Accountability: Celebrations: Consistency: Personal development: Spiritual Development: Promoting self-love: Emotional Awareness Development: Mental Health & Shadow Work - Inner Child Healing & Multidimensional Soul Development.
It can also look like building new business offerings while dismantling old soul contracts that honor your soul's worth as much as your human expression.
Understanding geographical locations that amplify your soul's wisdom, gifts & sacred service.
Heart: Clearing the heart space to unifier deeper relationships, firstly with self & those in whom you choose to hold conscious unions/ partnerships & collaborations. This is done by conscious relating, self-awareness & heart co-herance. This can cover pre-incarnation, early forming childhood, teen to young adult, & current reality).
Mind: Reprogram the mind from negative belief systems, traumatic life experiences, or relationships to build a clear & concise healthful mindset where you are nourished, empowered & self-confident in the choices you make about the life you lead.
Body: Understand how, through the multidimensionality of consciousness, the physical body holds the trauma memory at a cellular level. Through somatic awareness, establish ways to sustainably liberate the body to physically heal in ways Western medicine does not understand.
Soul: Come to build an inner union with your soul antiquity of power & purpose. Learn to deepen the inner trust & faith that the future version of you is living the life you are called to create within the divine union with your soul.
At a glance, aspects that are covered but not limited to are:

Email support is provided between bi-weekly sessions during business hours.
Fully recorded sessions for lifetime playback
Post-session ongoing "homework support" to continue the cadence of growth in integration to a self-actualized embodiment.
Releasing suppressed emotions, traumas stagnant & stuck in the body (energetically, as much as physical density)
Profound forgiveness of self, others past & present (Develop the inner self-awareness to move beyond history hurts, trauma & wounding about others).
Deep inner self-reflection & evolution (Exploring tools beyond journalling to amplify & magnetize you into the version of yourself calling you into action now for your highest wellbeing, heart, mind, body, soul & spirit)
Creating a life free from limiting beliefs & patterns, systems, structures & soul contracts/ karmic entanglements.
Awaken dormant original angelic DNA for cellular regenesis, accessing more of your primordial source of creational eternal wisdom.
Healing Divine Masculine Templating to Own Your inner-King Consciousness
Healing Divine Feminine Templating to Own Your inner-Queen Consciousness
Reunifying Both Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Original Templating for Embodied Living.
Activate your highest inner self-awareness by honoring your most profound purpose here & now, soul service & next soul-led mission alignment with Guradship, Gridwork, & Sacred soul service.
Developing a clear awareness in closing out old cycles as lessons are learned to pave liberation in awakening with the new.
Continuously rebalancing & harnessing through expanded self-development awareness of your inner masculine & inner feminine energy centers & subtle energetics light bodies (Auric & etheric bodies, Avatar aspects, Bio-Field, Torid fields & Plasma fields of conscious creation).
Unpack through curious exploration current blind spots that are identified from a root cause, (soul) past - present - parallel not just the physical plane but through the multidimensionality of the soul to human incarnate to address blockages, inversions, imprints trauma, or wounding by way of clearing them with clear strategies to move forward in life with ease, grace, free agency & love.
Learn to access your soul records, life themes, major soul contracts, & partnerships/purpose through the Cosmic Hall Records.
You will receive DNA activating, energetic clearings & somatic guidance integration tools for optimal healing, transformation & embodiment.
Activating deeper resources to sacred solar feminine & masculine embodiment
Understanding to inner-standing the refinement of your gifts & how they can be used to propel your path consciously intentionally, with multidimensional manifestation quantum techniques to implement in your life for radical expansion.
You will learn deeply about your soul, the star origins you come from & why you chose to incarnate at this time. Additionally, you will learn past lifetime knowledge impacting current timelines interconnected to the soul path, & soul mission.
You will learn to connect to your future, oversoul, cosmic & galactic self aspects through all Avatrs in a rooted, heart-centric - multidisciplinary, sacred divine will expression.
Build energetic temples anchored to new earth timelines as you merge physically with them to anchor your diamond light body & templates more congruently & fluidly. (This is bi-locating energy energetically across the multidiemsnionality).
Reconnecting to your inner Kingdom & inner Queendom energies
Working through hidden or repressed emotions or mental body blockages with straightforward, concise, developed emotional awareness tools & somatic release techniques for complete holistic healing growth.
You will come to learn & move through the core root cause of manifestation blocks or entanglements - personally, professionally & intimately in the highest property dimensions impacting your current reality.
You will be stewarded in seeing your blind spots in reparenting your inner child, teen, & youthful adult to present-day relating, connecting, communicating & intimacy.
Multidimensional energetic clearings positively impact health, wealth, self-acceptance & growth.
Shadow work/ clearings, working with the shadow self with applied somatic / integration tools, will be given.
Soul service building - honoring your self-worth & soul worth in all solutions being called forth into self-realized action.
Relationship Development - professional, personal & intimate
Stress reduction & emotional intelligence/regulation with somatic release development
Earthly, Cosmic & Galactic Shamanic techniques for multidimensional clearing, healing & soul activations
Address ancestral & generational soul imprints, trauma, bondage & enmeshments with any energetic overlays that need addressing to reclaim more of your soul, incarnate embodied soul wisdom in divine-human self-led mastery.
Build Conscious Sovereign Divine Will Leadership in all you build forward.
Please note that you are powerfully unique & so will the journey you undertake within a safe, deep exploration into the inner self for a harmonic integration into embodiment within your human expression.

As a result of this level of stewardship, anticipate the pace at which you grow will be governed by the willingness of your aptitude to apply what is uncovered, restored & rebalanced through this 6-month immersion.

To own any level of mastery in life, we first need to come into awareness of being able to articulate what is being sought to possess the emotional investment, time, energy & space to command it into being. Thus creating the building blocks of sustainable, healthful change.

As someone who has successfully served hundreds of thousands of individuals globally on divine liberty, self-healing mastery & collective unity, what has become inherently clear is that what your divine soul brings to humanity is needed - staying on the sideline of life waiting for the right opportune time to take a step forward bravely into the unknown will remain an injustice to yourself as much as the soul calling you forward into divine action.

What individuals perceive they want & what they need often are different in alignment to get them into a growing momentum in self-led healing mastery.

Innate wisdom with practical applied daily actions to bridge the Aether & Earth through its participants. It leads you, the participant, to a self-driven, self-healing devotion. Regardless of what you are innovating, recalibrating, healing & resolving, or transforming by birthing into life a loving expression of your whole self to the world, this session combines the best modalities to support you in acceleration & embodied transformation.

The foundation you build in life sets the tone of the life you lead, in all ways - in sacred divine will service as much as how you hold the enrichment of the vastness of your soul's magnitude in divine light through creative human sovereign presence.

***Please note that this is not coaching; while I am a professionally trained executive coach - you are here to learn the ways of your innate powerful wisdom. A coach tells you what to do step by step, which often is regurgitated through their lens of life, not honoring who you are in wholeness. More often over the years, serving in such a vast capacity, witnessing the coaching industry keeps individuals enmeshed, much like the old school mental health space, it fosters individuals to rely on someone to tell them how to live life. As such, as a multidimensional mentor & sacred steward of two decades, I am here to support individuals as much as communities globally to own their paths, voices & creative expressions through both the unified solar masculine & solar feminine embodiment. As much as they continue to liberate themselves from all forms of toxic dependence, that does not honor the soul incarnate wisdom in which they are. I am not aligned with you if you are looking for a coach. If you seek an empowered approach to elevate & embody your soul mastery through multidimensional human legacy weaving, then we are a match made in heaven.***

It's my life's work to steward foundational primordial consciousness; it's an honor to walk you home deeper with your own self in all ways, with an Invictus passion, direction & purpose.

Sacred stewardship,

ASHRA® Read More


This is a weekly session mentorship container - its direction is governed by where you are at to where you seek to move into greater success, efficiency & embodiment. No two individuals paths are the same - neither is this mentorship.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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What's Included

  • Welcome Soul-Led New Earth Stewardship,
  • This multidimensional stewardship mentorship incubator fosters self-efficacy, the core belief in one's capabilities to organize & execute actions required to achieve set goals, life purpose, visions, lifestyle changes, behavioral shifts, emotional awareness development & stress management relief, all the while profoundly exploring conscious connections, community, professions, careers, relationships & intimate partnerships with unified connection to your core manifestation consciousness of your souls light in a higher dimensional spiritual embodiment.
  • It's about nurturing your confidence in your abilities, elevating you to the next level of who you are stepping into as you continue to grow, empower & explore more of what sets you alight from within, driven by an inner passion for outer exploration. Encouraging grounded self-confidence & developing the capacity to make empowered, informed decisions to solve with self-healing resolutions by achieving desired outcomes akin to a second skin.
  • This means you develop a vast tool kit that you can implement anywhere the path in life takes you, discovering your inner magnetic light, magnetism & ability to change your life at any moment.
  • It's a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling, empowered sovereign life by designing your soul to human illuminative joyous expression.
  • The energetic framework for this can look like this, yet tailored & relevant specifically to you.
  • Setting goals: Self-discovery: Managing challenges: Building confidence: Accountability: Celebrations: Consistency: Personal development: Spiritual Development: Promoting self-love: Emotional Awareness Development: Mental Health & Shadow Work - Inner Child Healing & Multidimensional Soul Development.
  • It can also look like building new business offerings while dismantling old soul contracts that honor your soul's worth as much as your human expression.
  • Understanding geographical locations that amplify your soul's wisdom, gifts & sacred service.
  • Heart: Clearing the heart space to unifier deeper relationships, firstly with self & those in whom you choose to hold conscious unions/ partnerships & collaborations. This is done by conscious relating, self-awareness & heart co-herance. This can cover pre-incarnation, early forming childhood, teen to young adult, & current reality).
  • Mind: Reprogram the mind from negative belief systems, traumatic life experiences, or relationships to build a clear & concise healthful mindset where you are nourished, empowered & self-confident in the choices you make about the life you lead.
  • Body: Understand how, through the multidimensionality of consciousness, the physical body holds the trauma memory at a cellular level. Through somatic awareness, establish ways to sustainably liberate the body to physically heal in ways Western medicine does not understand.
  • Soul: Come to build an inner union with your soul antiquity of power & purpose. Learn to deepen the inner trust & faith that the future version of you is living the life you are called to create within the divine union with your soul.
  • At a glance, aspects that are covered but not limited to are:
  • Email support is provided between bi-weekly sessions during business hours.
  • Fully recorded sessions for lifetime playback
  • Post-session ongoing "homework support" to continue the cadence of growth in integration to a self-actualized embodiment.
  • Releasing suppressed emotions, traumas stagnant & stuck in the body (energetically, as much as physical density)
  • Profound forgiveness of self, others past & present (Develop the inner self-awareness to move beyond history hurts, trauma & wounding about others).
  • Deep inner self-reflection & evolution (Exploring tools beyond journalling to amplify & magnetize you into the version of yourself calling you into action now for your highest wellbeing, heart, mind, body, soul & spirit)
  • Creating a life free from limiting beliefs & patterns, systems, structures & soul contracts/ karmic entanglements.
  • Awaken dormant original angelic DNA for cellular regenesis, accessing more of your primordial source of creational eternal wisdom.
  • Healing Divine Masculine Templating to Own Your inner-King Consciousness
  • Healing Divine Feminine Templating to Own Your inner-Queen Consciousness
  • Reunifying Both Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Original Templating for Embodied Living.
  • Activate your highest inner self-awareness by honoring your most profound purpose here & now, soul service & next soul-led mission alignment with Guardanship, Gridwork, & Sacred soul service.
  • Developing a clear awareness in closing out old cycles as lessons are learned to pave liberation in awakening with the new.
  • Continuously rebalancing & harnessing through expanded self-development awareness of your inner masculine & inner feminine energy centers & subtle energetics light bodies (Auric & etheric bodies, Avatar aspects, Bio-Field, Torid fields & Plasma fields of conscious creation).
  • Unpack through curious exploration current blind spots that are identified from a root cause, (soul) past - present - parallel not just the physical plane but through the multidimensionality of the soul to human incarnate to address blockages, inversions, imprints trauma, or wounding by way of clearing them with clear strategies to move forward in life with ease, grace, free agency & love.
  • Learn to access your soul records, life themes, major soul contracts, & partnerships/purpose through the Cosmic Hall Records.
  • You will receive DNA activating, energetic clearings & somatic guidance integration tools for optimal healing, transformation & embodiment.
  • Activating deeper resources to sacred solar feminine & masculine embodiment
  • Understanding to inner-standing the refinement of your gifts & how they can be used to propel your path consciously intentionally, with multidimensional manifestation quantum techniques to implement in your life for radical expansion.
  • You will learn deeply about your soul, the star origins you come from & why you chose to incarnate at this time. Additionally, you will learn past lifetime knowledge impacting current timelines interconnected to the soul path, & soul mission.
  • You will learn to connect to your future, oversoul, cosmic & galactic self aspects through all Avatrs in a rooted, heart-centric - multidisciplinary, sacred divine will expression.
  • Build energetic temples anchored to new earth timelines as you merge physically with them to anchor your diamond light body & templates more congruently & fluidly. (This is bi-locating energy energetically across the multidiemsnionality).
  • Reconnecting to your inner Kingdom & inner Queendom energies
  • Working through hidden or repressed emotions or mental body blockages with straightforward, concise, developed emotional awareness tools & somatic release techniques for complete holistic healing growth.
  • You will come to learn & move through the core root cause of manifestation blocks or entanglements - personally, professionally & intimately in the highest property dimensions impacting your current reality.
  • You will be stewarded in seeing your blind spots in reparenting your inner child, teen, & youthful adult to present-day relating, connecting, communicating & intimacy.
  • Multidimensional energetic clearings positively impact health, wealth, self-acceptance & growth.
  • Shadow work/ clearings, working with the shadow self with applied somatic / integration tools, will be given.
  • Soul service building - honoring your self-worth & soul worth in all solutions being called forth into self-realized action.
  • Relationship Development - professional, personal & intimate
  • Stress reduction & emotional intelligence/regulation with somatic release development
  • Earthly, Cosmic & Galactic Shamanic techniques for multidimensional clearing, healing & soul activations
  • Address ancestral & generational soul imprints, trauma, bondage & enmeshments with any energetic overlays that need addressing to reclaim more of your soul, incarnate embodied soul wisdom in divine-human self-led mastery.
  • Build Conscious Sovereign Divine Will Leadership in all you build forward.

What's Not Included

  • This pricing is for one individual, if couples are seeking couples work they need to inquire separately
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