A Retreat with Tulku Sherdor Exploring Two-Stage Yoga Practice
This intensive retreat will be an exceptional opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience of development-stage sadhana practice; it includes teachings on a range of relevant topics, as well as an empowerment.
"A wonderful, peaceful supportive environment in which to fully express my practice."
DUAL PROGRAM: Pair with the 18th Annual Rimay Monlam, led by Tulku Sherdor, June 8-11, and save 10% off your accommodations. REGISTER HERE
We have asked Tulku Sherdor to help us unpack and deepen our understanding of sadhana practice and the creation and completion stages. Specifically, we have requested that during the retreat intensive Tulku Sherdor provide teachings on relevant topics such as the three samadhis, the four stakes, and the four stillnesses.
During the retreat we will practice a terma sadhana revealed by our teacher His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa associated with the yidam Amogapasha, a form of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) whose name could be translated as “unfailing lasso.” His commitment is to rescue beings in all six realms from circulating in samsara; the lasso is one of his implements for accomplishing this goal.
The sadhana expresses the highest Nyingma Dzogchen view and at the same time is both inviting and accessible. People who have accomplished an ongoing regular practice relationship with the sadhana have reported a deep experience of non-referential compassion for all beings.
On the final day of the retreat Tulku Sherdor will lead us through a ceremony to assist recently deceased persons; the ceremony is a special application of this Amogapasha sadhana. The transmission of this practice will also include an empowerment.
Copies of the sadhana will be made available and the intensive will begin with a lung (reading transmission).
Intimate setting with personal access to the teacher
Interactive sessions with question and answer periods
Guided meditations
Aspirations for the welfare of all sentient beings
Opportunity to pair with the 18th Annual Rimay Monlam and receive discounted accommodation fees
Delicious all-vegetarian meals with locally sourced ingredients
Option to extend stay on Personal Retreat
Extensive library of dharma books
Expansive wooded grounds with beautiful paths, flora and fauna
The retreat is open to anyone who considers themselves a Buddhist practitioner and who has taken refuge and has an interest in exploring what is known in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition as development stage (creation and completion) practice. Due to the nature of the practice, participants should plan to be present at the initial session of the retreat and stay until the end.
(subject to change)
Wednesday, June 4
2:00 PM
Check in begins
3:00-6:00 PM
Welcome and Introduction
Lung and initial training in the sadhana
6:00-7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Informal discussion
10:00 PM
Lights out
Thursday, June 5 - Saturday, June 7
7:00-8:30 AM
Opening prayers and first practice session
8:30-9:30 AM
9:30-11:00 AM
Second practice session
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
12:00-1:00 PM
1:45-3:15 PM
Third practice session
3:15-3:45 PM
Tea break
3:45-4:30 PM
4:30-6:00 PM
Fourth practice session
6:00-7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Informal discussion
10:00 PM
Lights out
Sunday, June 8
7:00-8:30 AM
Opening prayer and first practice session
8:30-9:30 AM
9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Teachings, Empowerment, Practice for the deceased
Program conclusion
12:00-1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Checkout and Departure (for those not staying)
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