QHHT®. Quantum healing hypnosis technique. There is a great interest in Past Life Regression right now. Humanity is waking up to its innate powers and many want to know where they came from, where they are going, soul purpose, re-patterning of ancient habits, self-cure their illness, why relationships don’t work, why they can’t make the money they deserve, or why their creativity is stuck.
Inside your body right now you store 13.5 billion years of data. That’s the same amount of years as the Universe is old. You are the Universe. Epigenetic memories are passed down to 14 generations. The key is to explore past lives and reprogram your DNA to infinite possibilities and freedom of choice. That’s what we will do together.
QHHT® created by the late Dolores Cannon for Past Life Regression is a unique method. (She had a 10-year waiting list). It’s the most powerful timeless way to connect to your higher self – your true self. You are asked to still your body, and mind (Alpha and Theta brain waves) and focus on your inner core, where all wisdom resides.
Clients may have emotional, physical, and mental discomforts or want to understand their purpose and mission. Dolores Cannon, Edgar Cayce, Dr. Franz Mesmer, and Dr. Sigmund Freud, used this knowledge when going into the past to promote healing, and Nostradamus used trance on patients. – QHHT® requires ONE visit unless you desire more. .
QHHT® involves inducing an individual into a somnambulistic trance through visualization. It's easy and joyous. Under ordinary circumstances, this is the state we experience only twice daily: before becoming consciously awake and just before falling asleep. You will see, hear and feel how thin the veil is between Heaven and Earth.
Through the state - Alpha, Theta and even possibly Delta you can access important information and discover that love, all healing, and ancient information lies within – and that you can create your life a masterpiece, the reality you see for your evolution. It’s your choice and free will to move forward the way your heart desires.
In conclusion - during past life regression you may discover cosmic ancestral connections, life in other Universes, ET connections, life as energy form, life as a human size hybrid frog, cat, dog or even insect. This is one of the most fascinating trips you will ever make in this life that will give you many answers in the present time to avoid looping thoughts, actions and habits moving forward.
I guarantee you will have a great time, laugh a lot and perhaps cry for joy. Let's break down the old ancient walls, and limitations together created as part of evolving through isolations and separation and have fun - while we experience life and exponential growth. Remember you chose your birth family, your culture and body. Still not happy? OK - I will help you get there.
Integration Bonus - 1 week after your cellular system has processed the experience under hypnosis I will help you further integrate your souls blueprint using a 4-sided technique that will massively help you in your practical every day.
Are you ready to meet YOU? Great - contact me via portal email and I will schedule you as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to walk with you and facilitate a safe, comfortable, quiet and super fun space. See you later...
The session will be recorded and emailed to you. After the event you may contact me for any questions as long as you need.
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