How To Get here (Flights, Airport Transfers, Buses, Trains)
To access the Costa Rica Caribbean coast (Puerto Viejo), you will most likely have to go from San Jose, the Capital.
There are three ways you can get here:
-Driving with a private car to Puerto Viejo
-Taking a Shuttle from San Jose (SJO) airport to Puerto Viejo
-Taking a bus from San Jose to Puerto Viejo/Manzanillo
-By Rented Car:
The distance between San Jose and Puerto Viejo is approximately 134 miles or 217 kilometers.
If you are looking into how to get from San Jose Costa Rica to Puerto Viejo and you value freedom and flexibility, a rental car is a great option. It will not save you any money over booking a shuttle, but will give you the ability to stop along the way if needed or desired.
Many folks heading to the Costa Rica Carribean coast may discover that they won’t actually use their car once they are there as it is common to bike between the small towns sprinkled down the coast. For these folks, this is a valid reason to consider taking a shuttle or a bus between San Jose and Puerto Viejo.
We will meet you at Puerto Viejo bus station (just let us know the approximate time you will arrive. In any case you will have our direct number to be able to contact) and take care about taking you to your home for the next days.
In addition we can help to rent a car. Just contact us.
By Shuttle:
A nice option in between driving in Costa Rica and taking a bus is booking a shuttle with a local transportation company. This website ( has great instructions about using local shuttles (both shared and private) to arrange a shuttle from San Jose to Puerto Viejo as well as associated costs. Caribe Shuttle offers a regular shuttle from San Jose to Puerto Viejo and is a good place to start.
We will meet you at Puerto Viejo bus station (just let us know the approximate time you will arrive. In any case you will have our direct number to be able to contact) and take care about taking you to your home for the next days.
In case you getting lost in the websites, contact us and we will help you to book a shuttle.
By Bus:
Taking a public bus from San Jose to Puerto Viejo is also a viable option, and will be much cheaper than renting a car in Costa Rica. Autotransportes Mepe has buses that leave regularly from San Jose to Puerto Viejo.
The cost for a bus from San Jose to Puerto Viejo is approximately $14 USD. The buses leave 4 times per day from the Bus Terminal Atlantico Norte.
We will meet you at Puerto Viejo bus station (just let us know the approximate time you will arrive. In any case you will have our direct number to be able to contact) and take care about taking you to your home for the next days.
Here you can see buses schedules:
Here you can see the map where to take the bus from San Jose:
Here you can see even more detailed instruction:
For additional info about the travel transportation, driving direction, can check this website:
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