Safe and compassionate environment to undergo your journey and transformation
Retreats held under the guidance of adept Shipibo curanderos with decades of experience
Preliminary diagnosis by the maestros and personalised treatment plan
Experienced facilitators available to translate and act as intermediaries between you and the shamans
3 ayahuasca ceremonies held by the curanderos
Daily plant baths and occasional vapour baths
Group size limited to 8 people
If prescribed, a plant dieta. NOTE: In this case you may be requested to stay longer than the duration of the retreat in order to safely carry out the dieta
Shamanic massage therapy with Gener
Consultations with the maestros, translation provides by the facilitators if needed
Three dieta friendly meals prepared daily. NOTE: Depending on what your needs are, your prescription may involve fasting somewhat.
Collection from Pucallpa airport and transport to the Shipibo community
About This Retreat
This retreat is held under the guidance of skilled healers from the Shipibo tribe with decades of experience in the field of shamanic healing. Ayahuasca is one of the many tools used by them to facilitate healing and psychospiritual transformation, and as such will be a core part of the retreat. In addition to ayahuasca, the process will be facilitated by various master plants, in various ways such as plant baths, saunas, vomitivos.
The center is called Niwe Nete. Niwe in Shipibo means wind or air, but also symbolises the subtle world of spirit and energies. It's through this subtle world that the work of the curanderos takes place. By addressing the root of ailments on an energetic level, things begin to come into alignment on a physical and mental level also. The retreat is held on the families land in the Shipibo community of San Francisco de Yarinacocha, one hour north of Pucallpa.
Depending on the nature of what one is hoping to achieve during the retreat, a dieta with a master plant may be prescribed. In this case, the length of the may need to be prolonged. Keeping in mind that the curanderos in this family themselves diet for months at a time, they generally recommend longer dietas over shorter ones to really open the way for the plant spirit to enter and transform your life. But they are also aware that a large percentage of the guests who come from abroad have a limited timespace, therefore they will work with each guest individually and come to the best solution for them. Certain plant dietas may be restricted as the maestros will not allow guests to diet them for a short space of time as it's considered dangerous.
There is the option of undergoing lighter dietas and in this case, it's possible to continue the dieta.
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