18/68, Osani Nagar, Tempalam, Ariyurnadu, Kolli Hills, Namakkal District, Tamilnadu-636411
Up to 37 in group
Open Dates
About this Retreat
Details of this retreat
A recent study revealed that more than 46% of corporate employees are under tremendous stress. Most of wellness initiatives focus on physical health and not their overall wellbeing. Frustration and depression takes away clarity, efficiency, harmony, creativity, as well as your enjoyment of work and life. By strengthening the individual, the organization gains strength. If you’re looking for ways to support your staff and boost your company’s productivity Sarva Ayurvedic Care provides some customized packages. We have formulated a wellness program which includes detoxification, diet charting, yoga with rejuvenation techniques to generate overall well being of an individual.
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