Ceremony days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. They are held in the tradition of the southern Andes during the day. People arrive by 9:30 am the morning of ceremony or the evening before. We drink at 10 am. Each participant is encouraged to find their own little space and be with the medicine. The more you are able to meditate or quiet your mind the farther the medicine will take you. Fruit salad is served in the early afternoon. Dinner (vegetarian soup) is served around 6-7 pm. After dinner we lounge around, review the day, and do some angel card readings. Ceremony is usually closed about 8 or 8:30 pm. After that you can do as you like. We encourage everyone to spend the night because you will still be feeling the medicine, our neighborhood is gated closed and taxi’s are hard to find.
We have lots of pillows, blankets, and mattresses if you want to sleep outside plus 2 private rooms and a bunk room. The cost is $220 and includes your meals, medicine, bed for the night, and breakfast the next morning. If you prefer to stay an extra day or more the room cost on non-ceremony days is $40 and includes meals. Our professional chef Leo provides delicious, nourishing meals.
Our home is a very calm and safe place. Steve is a trained counselor and very experienced with San Pedro. He has done ceremony for over 5,000 people and drank the medicine himself over 700 times. You will be in good hands. We do our best to have a female helper present as well. Come spend some time with this sacred medicine in a sacred container where you are: seen, supported, safe, and loved.
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