24 Days 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Ubud, Bali

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Up to 20 in group
October 1 - 24, 2024

Retreat Highlights

  • 200-Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Overview
  • At Yoga Home Wellness, our 200-hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training is built on a solid foundation of traditional Hatha Yoga, the cornerstone from which all other yoga styles have evolved. However, we believe that the practice of yoga extends far beyond asanas. It encompasses the entirety of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, offering a holistic approach to living a peaceful and purposeful life. Upon completing this transformative journey in Bali, our goal is for you to gain a deep understanding of yoga's roots, the relevance of its ancient philosophy in our daily lives, and how to carry these teachings forward with integrity.
  • Yoga Philosophy and History
  • During our philosophy and history sessions, we will delve into the very essence of yoga, addressing fundamental questions such as: What is the true purpose of yoga? What does Yoga Darshan signify? What are the various paths of yoga?
  • We’ll embark on a journey tracing yoga’s origins, exploring its evolution over the centuries, and understanding how it made its way to the West. We aim to dispel common misconceptions and offer a deeper exploration of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, shedding light on their enduring relevance today.
  • Etymology and Definition of Yoga
  • Goals and Objectives of Yoga
  • The Evolution of Yoga Through the Ages
  • The Paths of Yoga
  • The Significance of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
  • Ashtanga Yoga in Contemporary Practice
  • Sanskrit Terminology
  • To truly internalize the Sanskrit names of yoga asanas, mudras, mantras, and pranayama practices, a basic understanding of the Sanskrit language is essential. By the end of this course, you'll be able to recall the Sanskrit names of various body parts and asanas—not simply through rote memorization, but through a genuine comprehension of how these names are constructed.
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga forms the foundation of all physically-oriented yoga practices. In this module, you’ll explore the key Hatha Yoga scriptures and understand what leads to success or failure in practice. Our training will highlight the guiding principles of yogic practice, clarifying the differences between yoga and other physical disciplines, and addressing common misconceptions about asana practice.
  • Yoga Styles
  • What distinguishes Hatha Flow from Vinyasa Flow? Where do these styles originate, and how do they differ?
  • Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training will deepen your understanding of the three primary yoga styles we teach: Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, and Vinyasa Flow. You will learn the history of these styles and how to teach each one, empowering you to choose the style that resonates most with you.
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Hatha Flow
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Asana Practice
  • Each morning, you'll engage in diverse yoga practices, including traditional Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and modern styles like Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow, and Yin Yoga. The primary focus is on deepening your own practice, as regular self-practice is essential for inspiring and energizing your teaching. Remember, even as teachers, we remain lifelong students.
  • Asana Alignment
  • Our asana alignment classes refine the art of teaching yoga postures. You will gain invaluable skills such as:
  • Mastering Over 150 Yoga Postures: Learn how to perform and teach a wide array of asanas, including variations.
  • Understanding Benefits and Precautions: Understand the specific benefits and precautions for each asana, ensuring safe practice.
  • Using Props Effectively: Utilize blocks, belts, and other props to enhance alignment and support.
  • Integrating Breath Awareness: Connect breath with movement and incorporate conscious breathing into your classes.
  • Adapting Adjustments: Learn how to tailor adjustments to individual needs, ensuring safe alignment for all students.
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Have you ever wondered how your teachers design and sequence their classes? This module will demystify the process, covering essential topics such as:
  • Preparing Yourself to Teach: Mental, physical, and emotional readiness.
  • Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere: Establishing a grounded and inviting space for your students.
  • Demonstrating Postures: Teaching with clarity, offering supportive adjustments, and ensuring safety.
  • Designing and Sequencing Classes: Developing balanced classes, including peak pose sequencing.
  • Catering to Different Levels: Adapting your teaching to accommodate various student abilities without fostering competition.
  • Ethics and Inclusivity
  • Ethics are a vital component of our Yoga Teacher Training. We will address important issues such as the teacher-student relationship, equity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity. Our aim is to create a safe and respectful environment for all.
  • Pranayama
  • In our pranayama module, you'll learn a variety of breathing techniques that expand your breath capacity and deepen your practice:
  • Breathing Techniques: Natural, abdominal, thoracic, clavicular, and yogic breathing.
  • Pranayama Practices: Nadi Sodhana, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Bhedi, Bhramari, Sheetali, Sheetkari, Ujjayi, Kapalbhati, and Bhastrika.
  • Meditation
  • Our meditation module combines theory and practice, guiding you through the 12 steps of meditation. You'll also learn about diet, timing, and the basic techniques of meditation, along with mindfulness practices.
  • Mantra Chanting
  • As part of our evening routine, we dedicate time to mantra chanting, tapping into the transformative power of sound:
  • Mantras: OM, Patanjali Mantra, Ganesha Mantra, Guru Mantra, Annapoorna Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Shanti Mantra.
  • Yogic Anatomy
  • Explore the ancient wisdom of yogic anatomy, which views the human body through the lens of equilibrium and energy. You'll learn about:
  • Panch Mahabhut Tattva: The Five Elements.
  • Nadis: Astral energy channels.
  • Prana and Pancha Prana: The life force and its five aspects.
  • Pancha Kosha: The five sheaths.
  • Chakras: Energy centers.
  • Bandhas: Energy locks.
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Understanding how asanas, pranayama, and meditation affect the body is crucial for any yoga teacher. Our anatomy and physiology classes will cover:
  • Human Anatomy: The structural design of the body.
  • Key Systems: Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
  • Specific Focus: Hip anatomy, spine and back anatomy, core anatomy.
  • Mudra Practice
  • Mudras are powerful gestures that direct the flow of prana within the body. You'll learn about the five classes of mudras and practice various hand mudras:
  • Hand Mudras: Anjali Mudra, Jnana Mudra, Chin Mudra, Dhyana Mudra, Prana Mudra, Apana Mudra, Vayu Mudra, Akasha Mudra, Prithivi Mudra, Varuna Mudra, Agni Mudra.
  • Shatkarma
  • Shatkarma techniques cleanse the body, preparing it for yoga practice. You’ll practice Jala Neti, Kapalbhati, and Nauli, while our theory classes cover the benefits and precautions of all six Shatkarma practices.
  • Yogic Diet
  • Nutrition plays a vital role in the yogic lifestyle. You'll explore the yogic diet, learn about the qualities of food, and discover how to incorporate this ancient wisdom into your daily life.
  • Basic Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, complements yoga beautifully. We will introduce you to its principles, including the five elements, doshas, and practical ways to integrate Ayurveda into your routine.

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

200-Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Overview
At Yoga Home Wellness, our 200-hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training is built on a solid foundation of traditional Hatha Yoga, the cornerstone from which all other yoga styles have evolved. However, we believe that the practice of yoga extends far beyond asanas. It encompasses the entirety of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, offering a holistic approach to living a peaceful and purposeful life. Upon completing this transformative journey in Bali, our goal is for you to gain a deep understanding of yoga's roots, the relevance of its ancient philosophy in our daily lives, and how to carry these teachings forward with integrity.

Yoga Philosophy and History
During our philosophy and history sessions, we will delve into the very essence of yoga, addressing fundamental questions such as: What is the true purpose of yoga? What does Yoga Darshan signify? What are the various paths of yoga?

We’ll embark on a journey tracing yoga’s origins, exploring its evolution over the centuries, and understanding how it made its way to the West. We aim to dispel common misconceptions and offer a deeper exploration of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, shedding light on their enduring relevance today.

Etymology and Definition of Yoga
Goals and Objectives of Yoga
The Evolution of Yoga Through the Ages
The Paths of Yoga
The Significance of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Ashtanga Yoga in Contemporary Practice
Sanskrit Terminology
To truly internalize the Sanskrit names of yoga asanas, mudras, mantras, and pranayama practices, a basic understanding of the Sanskrit language is essential. By the end of this course, you'll be able to recall the Sanskrit names of various body parts and asanas—not simply through rote memorization, but through a genuine comprehension of how these names are constructed.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga forms the foundation of all physically-oriented yoga practices. In this module, you’ll explore the key Hatha Yoga scriptures and understand what leads to success or failure in practice. Our training will highlight the guiding principles of yogic practice, clarifying the differences between yoga and other physical disciplines, and addressing common misconceptions about asana practice.

Yoga Styles
What distinguishes Hatha Flow from Vinyasa Flow? Where do these styles originate, and how do they differ?

Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training will deepen your understanding of the three primary yoga styles we teach: Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, and Vinyasa Flow. You will learn the history of these styles and how to teach each one, empowering you to choose the style that resonates most with you.

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Flow
Vinyasa Flow
Asana Practice
Each morning, you'll engage in diverse yoga practices, including traditional Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and modern styles like Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow, and Yin Yoga. The primary focus is on deepening your own practice, as regular self-practice is essential for inspiring and energizing your teaching. Remember, even as teachers, we remain lifelong students.

Asana Alignment
Our asana alignment classes refine the art of teaching yoga postures. You will gain invaluable skills such as:

Mastering Over 150 Yoga Postures: Learn how to perform and teach a wide array of asanas, including variations.
Understanding Benefits and Precautions: Understand the specific benefits and precautions for each asana, ensuring safe practice.
Using Props Effectively: Utilize blocks, belts, and other props to enhance alignment and support.
Integrating Breath Awareness: Connect breath with movement and incorporate conscious breathing into your classes.
Adapting Adjustments: Learn how to tailor adjustments to individual needs, ensuring safe alignment for all students.
Teaching Methodology
Have you ever wondered how your teachers design and sequence their classes? This module will demystify the process, covering essential topics such as:

Preparing Yourself to Teach: Mental, physical, and emotional readiness.
Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere: Establishing a grounded and inviting space for your students.
Demonstrating Postures: Teaching with clarity, offering supportive adjustments, and ensuring safety.
Designing and Sequencing Classes: Developing balanced classes, including peak pose sequencing.
Catering to Different Levels: Adapting your teaching to accommodate various student abilities without fostering competition.
Ethics and Inclusivity
Ethics are a vital component of our Yoga Teacher Training. We will address important issues such as the teacher-student relationship, equity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity. Our aim is to create a safe and respectful environment for all.

In our pranayama module, you'll learn a variety of breathing techniques that expand your breath capacity and deepen your practice:

Breathing Techniques: Natural, abdominal, thoracic, clavicular, and yogic breathing.
Pranayama Practices: Nadi Sodhana, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Bhedi, Bhramari, Sheetali, Sheetkari, Ujjayi, Kapalbhati, and Bhastrika.
Our meditation module combines theory and practice, guiding you through the 12 steps of meditation. You'll also learn about diet, timing, and the basic techniques of meditation, along with mindfulness practices.

Mantra Chanting
As part of our evening routine, we dedicate time to mantra chanting, tapping into the transformative power of sound:

Mantras: OM, Patanjali Mantra, Ganesha Mantra, Guru Mantra, Annapoorna Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Shanti Mantra.
Yogic Anatomy
Explore the ancient wisdom of yogic anatomy, which views the human body through the lens of equilibrium and energy. You'll learn about:

Panch Mahabhut Tattva: The Five Elements.
Nadis: Astral energy channels.
Prana and Pancha Prana: The life force and its five aspects.
Pancha Kosha: The five sheaths.
Chakras: Energy centers.
Bandhas: Energy locks.
Anatomy and Physiology
Understanding how asanas, pranayama, and meditation affect the body is crucial for any yoga teacher. Our anatomy and physiology classes will cover:

Human Anatomy: The structural design of the body.
Key Systems: Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
Specific Focus: Hip anatomy, spine and back anatomy, core anatomy.
Mudra Practice
Mudras are powerful gestures that direct the flow of prana within the body. You'll learn about the five classes of mudras and practice various hand mudras:

Hand Mudras: Anjali Mudra, Jnana Mudra, Chin Mudra, Dhyana Mudra, Prana Mudra, Apana Mudra, Vayu Mudra, Akasha Mudra, Prithivi Mudra, Varuna Mudra, Agni Mudra.
Shatkarma techniques cleanse the body, preparing it for yoga practice. You’ll practice Jala Neti, Kapalbhati, and Nauli, while our theory classes cover the benefits and precautions of all six Shatkarma practices.

Yogic Diet
Nutrition plays a vital role in the yogic lifestyle. You'll explore the yogic diet, learn about the qualities of food, and discover how to incorporate this ancient wisdom into your daily life.

Basic Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, complements yoga beautifully. We will introduce you to its principles, including the five elements, doshas, and practical ways to integrate Ayurveda into your routine.



Wake Up

06:00 – 07:30

Mantra, Shatkarma & Pranayama

07:30 – 09:00

Hatha/ Vinyasa Flow
09:00 – 10:00

Breakfast & Free Time

10:00 – 11:00

Alignment/ Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology
11:00 – 12:00

Yoga & Anatomy Philosophy

12:00 – 13:00

Karma Yoga (Seva)

13:00 – 14:30

Lunch & Rest

14:30 – 16:00

Selfy Study & Self Practice

16:00- 16:15

Tea Break
16:30 – 18:00

Ashtanga Yoga

18:00 – 19:00

Relaxation & Meditation

19:00 – 20:00



Rest Hours
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Yoga Home Wellness, Indonesia


To reach Wyndham Tamansari Jivva Resort Bali:

From Ngurah Rai International Airport:

By Car: The resort is approximately a 45-minute drive from the airport. Follow Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, then take Jalan Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra. Continue onto Jalan Keramas and follow signs to the resort.
Public Transport:

Taxis: Taxis are readily available at the airport. You can book a taxi to the resort, and the drive will take around 45 minutes.
Shuttle Service: Some local shuttle services and ride-sharing apps are available. Be sure to confirm the travel time and route with the driver.
Nearby Stations:

Bus Station: The nearest major bus station is in Gianyar, about a 20-minute drive from the resort. From there, taxis or local transport options can be used to reach the resort.
Train Station: While Bali does not have a train system, you can use a combination of taxis or shuttle services to reach the resort from other areas.
For detailed driving directions or assistance, the resort’s concierge team is happy to provide support and arrange transportation options.


The rooms at Wyndham Tamansari Jivva Resort are a blend of modern luxury and Balinese charm: Deluxe Room: Spacious with a king-size or twin beds, modern amenities, and a private balcony with garden views. Deluxe Pool View Room: Elegant room with pool views, featuring a private balcony, rain shower, and contemporary decor. Junior Suite: Larger room with a separate living area, king-size bed, bathtub, and garden or pool views. Pool Suite: Luxurious suite with direct access to a private plunge pool, king-size bed, and upscale amenities.

Program Price

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Spacious and serene yoga shala
Lush tropical gardens for relaxation and meditation
Comfortable accommodations with traditional Balinese architecture
Pool overlooking ocean
On-site holistic wellness spa with Balinese and Ayurvedic treatments
Open-air dining pavilion with fresh, organic meals
Scenic walking trails through the retreat centre
Sacred meditation areas with a dedicated altar space
Private beach


Menu Types

What's Included

  • 24 Days/ 23 Nights Stay
  • 200 Hrs training and all group events
  • Airport Transfer
  • Sattvic food ( Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  • Yoga Mat & Study Materials
  • Ac Room/ Free Wi-Fi
  • 1 Ayurvedic Massage
  • Sunday Excursion
  • Cooking Classes
  • 1 Sound Healing Session
  • Indian Classical Music Session
  • Detox water

What's Not Included

  • Air Fare, Visa Fees, Special Entry Tickets at Kechak Dance

Customer Reviews

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