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Virtual & Commuter Ignatian Retreats

Flexible Dates

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

What does it mean that this is for Virtual and Commuter retreatants?

Virtual Ignatian Retreats are done from home, retreatants will have a daily individual meeting with a retreat director by video or phone. Commuter Ignatian Retreats can come out to the retreat house to pray and have their daily meetings.

You can pick any dates and length of 3-8 days as works for your schedule, although 4-day and 8-day are typical lengths.  Your commitment is to:

Each day, schedule 4 Ignatian prayer times of about an hour each each day and journal about the movements that occurred there (usually just 1 prayer time the first day).
Each day, schedule a less than one hour meeting with a director (no meeting the first day, just a 40-minute opening video to watch). We will try to honor but cannot guarantee your requests for a particular director.

What is the Silent Directed Ignatian Retreat for Men or Women?

Our Ignatian Retreats, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, are also known as directed retreats. The heart of the Ignatian Retreat involves spending four or five prayer periods each day in meditation on scripture. Thus the real director of an Ignatian Retreat is the Holy Spirit.

The retreat is marked by a complete silence, as there are no common prayers or devotions outside of Mass and Exposition, and no social time as even the meals are taken in silence to continue the reflection and prayerful atmosphere. Retreatants journal about each of their prayer times and the movements that occurred there, so that when they meet with the director, they can be given guidance and appropriate scripture passages for their meditation. It is suggested to read Meditation and Contemplation by Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV to learn more on the Ignatian methods of meditating on Scripture.

The Virtual / Commuter Directed Ignatian Retreat will begin with a video and typically one prayer time on opening night, the next day will begin your daily individual meetings with your retreat director.

Please consider giving your director a personal gift (tip stipend) for his or her time. You can give cash or check to them personally or anonymously by credit card below the registration options.

We want our retreats to be accessible to everyone, please consider an additional donation, or contact the Retreat House to inquire about financial assistance or if your parish pays part of the cost. Read More

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