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Busy Person Retreats (Online

Flexible Dates

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

Online Retreat for Busy Persons

Do you struggle to make time for prayer in your daily life? Perhaps you’ve wanted to make a retreat in the past but didn’t have the time to get away. What if you could make a retreat without having to leave your home or take off from work? The Busy Person’s Retreat gives you that opportunity!

A daily directed retreat specifically designed for people of all ages with hectic schedules, allowing you to dedicate time to prayer and reflection while still fitting the experience into your busy life. Flexible schedules and shorter daily commitments compared to our traditional Ignatian retreats. Includes guided meditations, scripture readings, and opportunities to meet with a Spiritual Director.

You can pick any dates and length of 3-8 days as works for your schedule, although 4-day and 8-day are typical lengths. We will try to honor but cannot guarantee your requests for a particular director.

What is the Busy Persons Retreat for Men or Women?

A Busy Person’s Retreat is a time of focused prayer and spiritual direction. It is perfect for people who cannot take four-five on a Directed Ignatian Retreat, or a whole weekend away for a retreat.  Are you interested in working one-on-one with a director for a short time to grow in your prayer and spiritual life? It can be done within the busyness of life.

In St. Ignatius’ 18th annotation in the Spiritual Exercises, he says, “The Spiritual Exercises must be adapted to the condition of the one who is to engage them.” The Online Busy Person’s Retreat is modeled after Ignatian model of prayer, but now offered to busy people at parishes, schools, and college campuses. The Online Busy Person’s Retreat gives the participant an opportunity to make a retreat in the middle of daily life using video chat to meet your spiritual director.

In order to get the full benefit of this retreat, you need to commit to:

Set aside 30-45 minutes once each day to pray with scripture and 10-15 minutes to journal. You may pray any time during the day, but should have your prayer time completed before you meet with your spiritual director each day
Meet with your spiritual director for 30 minutes each day.  (The first day of the retreat, you will not meet a director, but rather watch a 40-minute instructional video.)

It is suggested to read Meditation and Contemplation by Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV to learn more on the Ignatian methods of meditating on Scripture.

Our Ignatian Retreats, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, are also known as directed retreats. The heart of the Ignatian Retreat involves spending prayer periods each day in meditation on scripture. Thus the real director of an Ignatian Retreat is the Holy Spirit.

Retreatants journal about each of their prayer times and the movements that occurred there, so that when they meet with the director, they can be given guidance and appropriate scripture passages for their meditation.

Please consider giving your director a personal gift (tip stipend) for his or her time. You can give cash or check to them personally or anonymously by credit card below the registration options.

We want our retreats to be accessible to everyone, please consider an additional donation, or contact the Retreat House to inquire about financial assistance or if your parish pays part of the cost. If the retreat you’re interested is full, contact us to be put on a waiting list. Read More

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