Wow - what an experience! Life changing would be an understatement. This was my first time sitting with Ayahuasca, so naturally I’d built up a lot of nervousness ahead of the ceremony, however, as soon as I arrived at the healing centre, those nerves swiftly turned into excitement.
I immediately felt safe in the care of Atuk, due to his calming energy and wise words of encouragement.
The location itself is absolutely beautiful surrounded by nature and the magical sounds of the Parakeets chirping away up in the trees - that alone is healing!
The medicine of course came with challenges both physically and mentally, but with Atuk’s ability to sense exactly what care is needed at specific points, I felt guided and protected through the entirety of the ceremony, which resulted with me feeling safe enough to do the work and subsequently gain the clarity I came for.
I have to mention the instruments and Atuk’s amazing singing voice. Throughout the night I was treated to some incredible music which did nothing less than touch my soul and was a huge part of my healing journey! A true blessing.
Ceremony aside, I think the most impactful part of Atuk’s services to my day to day life is the ongoing aftercare. Atuk seems to have the ability of knowing exactly when I need him and then as if by magic, my phone rings.. Atuk’s ability of reframing certain issues in my mind helps me more than I can express through words.
The level of growth that I have received through our relationship has honestly entirely changed my life and I hope I have the honour of knowing Atuk for the rest of my life.
Thank you again and always big brother🙏🏻
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