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Learn OJAYA — the Martial Art of Deep Meditation: 100% Online Course

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❤️ Special Winter Enrollment:

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This 30-day Course retreat is self-paced and is open to you for one FULL YEAR! So relax — you don't need to complete this Course within 30 days.

The OJAYA Deep Meditation mega-course is an epic 16-hour journey of sublime knowledge and blissful experience — composed of 30 Easy Self-Paced Video Lessons with Sukaishi David in the Earthborn Rainforest, where you will master the ancient technique of OJAYA, the Martial Art of Deep Meditation. Average time for each Lesson is 32 minutes (some are shorter, some longer).

It's your own private jungle meditation retreat — in the comfort of your own home! No set schedule, enjoy at your own relaxed pace.

Sukaishi David will personally monitor your progress throughout the entire Course! (Full phone and email support!) You will also receive two personal, private sessions with Sukaishi David — live from the Earthborn Rainforest via phone, Skype, or Zoom — to validate that you have mastered the OJAYA technique. It's super easy!

Standard enrollment is $725. Your donation = $425.

Plus you get our full 21-Day 100% Refund "Happiness Pledge." If you decide to keep your enrollment, you will continue to have full access to your Course for 1 full year!

Special Extra Graduation Session after Course completion: You'll receive your Title of Honor Certificate to certify your mastery of the OJAYA technique in the Martial Art of Deep Meditation.

This special RETREAT.GURU offer will expire at any time.

We are a not-for-profit school. Thank you for your support!

❤️ OJAYA: The Martial Art of Deep Meditation

OJAYA is an ancient Sanskrit word that means energy and strength.

With 10-20 minutes per day, this rare Kavach technique (Armor technique) builds up a powerful “armor” of serene energy within you — to shield and protect you from the stresses of everyday living.

Known as “The Meditation of Heroes,” OJAYA develops the esteemed qualities of valor, inner strength, calm emotional balance, deep compassion, and dynamic power to soothe and help reduce the suffering of others.

For the first time ever, the complete OJAYA Deep Meditation Course is now offered to you 100% online, with 30 sublime, self-paced video Lessons … produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest …

❤️ What is the Martial Art of Deep Meditation?

You already know about the physical martial arts, like karate, kung fu, and tai chi.

But did you know? … OJAYA is an ancient martial art that is actually much older than any of these.

OJAYA is the inner martial art — of deep meditation. Here, your opponent is not a person, but the stresses and strains of everyday living.

In the olden days, techniques of deep meditation used to be a major part of martial arts training. You can still see this even today with groups like the Shaolin monks from China.

These closely-guarded meditation techniques were traditionally the inner training — the “Art of Inner Self-Defense” — to instill emotional balance, peace of mind, inner strength and deep insight. The outer training was the art of bodily self-defense.

❤️ OJAYA: The Peaceful Martial Art — No Kicking or Punching

With OJAYA, there’s no kicking or punching … or anything physical for that matter. Because OJAYA is the inner Martial Art of Deep Meditation — so everyone can do it.

You just sit comfortably — in a chair …

You close your eyes, and in 10-20 minutes you feel a sense of relief. All tensions and stresses get washed away, the tiredness and lethargy evaporate.

When you open your eyes, you feel calm, fresh, your head is clear, and you feel a deep, blissful kind of energy. You feel strong — ready to get out there and do something great.

❤️ What is an “Armor” Technique?

“Kavach” = Armor

The ancient OJAYA Kavach Technique (Armor Technique) is an extremely deep meditation that attacks and dissolves anxiety andstress … and builds up an “armor” of clear, calm energy within you — to shield and protect you from the stresses of everyday living.

❤️ Peace of Mind Bestows Youthful Aging

We all know how stress is a huge contributor to rapid aging.

On your OJAYA Deep Meditation Course videos, you’ll experience how OJAYA is the most powerful, soothing antidote for stress.

Just 10-20 minutes of OJAYA attacks and dissolves all anxiety and tensions from your day — and recharges you with fresh, new energy.

With daily sittings, stress no longer builds up to become the foundation for various ailments. Wear and tear is vastly reduced for body, mind and emotions — and your natural healing energies are strengthened.

All this contributes to healthy, youthful aging.

A unique specialty of this “Martial Art of Inner Strength” is:

You develop a kavach — an armor of calm serenity which shields and protects youfrom absorbing further stress in your daily life …

We invite you to step back in time … to rediscover these rare, blissful, classic secrets of OJAYA Deep Meditation ...

❤️ How does OJAYA work?

One of the cherished secrets of OJAYA is its rare, healing Kavach Mantra — a deeply soothing series of beautiful sounds that you will easily learn … that work to restore your inner harmony through the power of resonance … like music …

Just imagine the grating sounds of an orchestra that is out of tune — this is your state of consciousness whenever you feel anxious, depressed or stressed.

In fact, whenever the harmony of your consciousness is broken, you will naturally feel tension, pressure, anxiety and low energy.

But there’s a simple solution …

❤️ The Power of Mantras

Long ago, meditation masters discovered the power of mantras — and how they work to quickly restore your inner harmony.

As you silently meditate on the OJAYA Kavach Mantra, its soothing, uplifting resonance penetrates deep to calm your brain, attack deep-rooted stress, balance your emotions, and wash away the fatigue of a busy workday.

“Armor” mantra techniques are hailed throughout the ages as the supreme and most powerful method of classic deep meditation — due to their deep, penetrating resonance.

However, the authentic secrets of the rare OJAYA “Armor” technique have been lost and forgotten to the people of today’s generation … until now* …

❤️ Is Your Mantra Organic?

And what exactly is a mantra, anyway?

Here are 21 Things You Need to Know:

❤️ 1. The word mantra means: tool of thought.

Throughout the ages, mantras are the #1 tool to attain extremely deep, blissful meditation.

❤️ 2. Mantra is a Sanskrit word …

… from India, where it comes to us in the first place. But mantras themselves are not Sanskrit, or Buddhist, or English … or any other language for that matter, because …

❤️ 3. Mantras are the organic sounds of Nature.

An authentic mantra is a series of simple, beautiful sounds … whispered by Mother Nature herself. Mantras are the language of Nature.

Next time you’re walking in the forest, listen carefully. Mother Nature is humming all around you with the soothing sounds … of mantras!

❤️ 4. Mantras were discovered ...

… in the deep green forests by ancient sages as they sat immersed in the tranquility of their meditations.

An example of what they heard is the familiar “OM” mantra.

❤️ 5. Mantras work on the principle of resonance — like music.

When you meditate on the sound of a mantra, your consciousness gets retuned and elevated in just a few minutes. Innumerable benefits come to you.

❤️ 6. Mantras are not affirmations.

Many people thing that mantras a phrases such as “May my mind be at peace.” However, these are not actually mantras — these are called affirmations.

Mantras are not concepts, ideas, or peaceful self-talk. Mantras work solely on the principle of resonance.

In music, what is the “meaning” of a Mozart symphony? Whether it’s Mozart or mantras, it's the resonance that creates the harmony within you.

Affirmations have their value, but they lock your mind on the surface thinking levels and do not take you to the deepest, quiet, blissful depths of your inner consciousness.

For this, you need a true mantra.

❤️ 7. Mantras have flavors!

Like music, every mantra vibrates differently to produce its own unique beneficial effects in your mind, your heart, and your entire system.

❤️ 8. Mantras penetrate deep ...

When you know how to use them properly, authentic mantras have great power to penetrate deep within your subtle nerves — called nadis.

Certain special “top tier” mantras work to cleanse, unblock and energize the entire electrical network that connects your body, mind, and emotions.

❤️ 9. Mantras pull you within ...

The soothing resonance of mantras allows you to fully relax and easily calm your mind. A correct mantra effortlessly draws your awareness inwards — as you dive deep within to your deepest levels of quietude, peace and bliss.

This unique ability to gently pull you inwards is a key reason that mantras are favored throughout the ages as the #1 technique of classic deep meditation.

❤️ 10. Mantras remove brain fog ...

Silent mindfulness of a powerful mantra removes static and brain fog, and creates a calming resonance that penetrates throughout your entire body and being.

After meditation, your mind is clear and calm.

❤️ 11. Mantras are restful ...

Mantras coax you inwards to a profound state of deep rest — called samadhi — that is far deeper than your sleep at night. This deeper level of rest quickly rejuvenates you with dynamic energy.

❤️ 12. Anti-anxiety mantras to the rescue!

If you feel anxious, there is a reason for it. The ancient meditation masters say your inner harmony has become disturbed. Like the grating sounds of an out-of-tune orchestra, you will naturally feel tension and strain whenever your inner harmony is broken.

But there is an easy, classic remedy …

… an anti-anxiety mantra!

The OJAYA anti-anxiety mantra probes the depths of your consciousness with its calm, penetrating resonance.

These soothing, healing sounds work effortlessly to harmonize and retune your system.

The anxiety dissolves and evaporates.

The ancient sages have declared that these mantras are the fastest way to gain deep peace and empower you with serene energy.

❤️ 13. Mantras awaken you ...

With daily dips into the peaceful depths of your inner self, something new happens …

… The deeper levels of your consciousness begin to wake up.

You’ll find new energies emerging within you, with deeper and newer revelations of consciousness.

❤️ 14. Mantras cannot be learned from books.

Beware if you try to pick up a mantra from a book.

If you see the letter A, then how are you supposed to pronounce it? Is it “eh” as in “ray”? “Ah” as in “father”? “Aah” as in “apple”? Or is it “uh” as in “attunement”?

The correct sound matters.

❤️ 15. Don’t be a mantra guinea pig!

It is unwise to make up your own mantra or use some unknown nonsense sound. We have no clue what effect that sound will eventually have on your nervous system.

Better to stick with classic, authentic mantras.

❤️ 16. Mantras are the advanced technology — the fast track to peace of mind and higher consciousness.

On the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course, we’ll learn that “watching” the breath — as taught in meditation schools everywhere — is actually not the same as meditating on the breath.

Skillful breath meditation has great value. However, your attention on the breath adds nothing new to your consciousness. After all, you’re always breathing anyway.

This is why meditation on the breath takes so long to see extraordinary results. It’s the “slow Boat” to depth of consciousness.

Mantra meditation introduces a new, energizing resonance into your consciousness — that wasn’t there before.

Silent mindfulness of the mantra penetrates deep and pulls you gently inwards, which quickly calms your mind and rejuvenates you with blissful, serene energy — in just 10-20 minutes.

This power of deep resonance is why masters through the ages have declared mantra meditation as the #1 fast track to deep serenity and higher consciousness.

❤️ 17. Are you a monk — or a householder?

Most people do not know that mantras are categorized as “monk mantras” and “householder mantras.”

Householder mantras are for people who want deep inner peace along with outer success in life. These mantras support the goals of families, businesspeople, the arts and sciences, and people who want to connect and thrive in the real world.

On the other hand, monk mantras gradually create a detached, dispassionate and reclusive state of mind, and are best suited to people with cloistered objectives.

Big surprise for most people: The ancient sages declared that “OM” is a monk mantra (which is why it is most often suggested by monks). There are better, more powerful meditation mantras recommended for people who lead dynamic, active lifestyles.

❤️ 18. Armor Mantras

The #1 most powerful meditation mantras are the Kavach Mantras — the “Amor” or “Hero” mantras.

Armor Mantras clean, polish and protect your consciousness. They attack stress and create an “armor” of serene energy that shields and protects you from the stresses of everyday living.

You will learn the rare, powerful Ojaya Armor Mantras on the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — one of the great essential secrets of this ancient technique.

❤️ 19. Mantras should be learned from qualified teachers.

Mantra meditation is much more than correct pronunciation — or merely closing your eyes and thinking a mantra.

Without proper technique, the mantra won’t work for you.

It’s super easy, but there’s an art to it!

❤️ 20. Mantras give cumulative results ...

It’s best to learn one powerful mantra and stick with it.

The longer you use a mantra, the results soon accumulate exponentially.

❤️ 21. Our takeaway for today:

Mantras hold many hidden secrets which you’ll want to rediscover — and which you will cherish forever ...

— Sukaishi David


Sukaishi David has a 46-year history of practicing and teaching deep meditation, organic diet, and holistic health lifestyles.

Sukaishi is the loving founder of the OJAYA Deep Meditation Dharma Sangha, headquartered in the Earthborn Rainforest.


❤️ Course Info:

This sumptuous course is 100% online, and is composed of 30 video Lessons featuring rare and exquisite meditation instruction by Sukaishi David — in the Earthborn Rainforest.

It's like your own private jungle meditation retreat — online — in the comfort of your own home.

And there's no set schedule! Watch each Lesson whenever you wish — go at your own relaxed pace. Because ... your online enrollment is open for a full YEAR!

Savor each sublime Lesson — produced in the Earthborn Rainforest — and enjoy!

❤️ Our 21-Day, 100% Refund "Happiness Pledge"!

We invite you to take the entire course and experience it for yourself. You'll be ecstatically happy that you did, or we'll give you a 100% refund — with our blessings!

We are a not-for-profit school, we care about you, and that's the way we do things here in the Earthborn Rainforest!

IMPORTANT NOTE: When booking this Course, don't worry about which date to select! Our online Course does not actually go by "dates." You can watch your video Lessons anytime you want. So choose any "date" when you book — it doesn't matter. Then take the Course as you wish — because your OJAYA retreat is open for an entire year! So there's no rush. Enjoy at your own relaxed pace.


OJAYA goes deep. Since ancient times this rare technique is celebrated as the most powerful technique for inner awakening, as well as the quickest and most effective anti-anxiety meditation — highly energizing and blissful — and profoundly different from any meditation method you may have ever experienced...

...but as you will learn in this Course, this sublime technique was almost lost in the mists of time... until now.

Let go of all your efforts ...

The OJAYA technique requires no effort. As you settle easily into a peaceful state of deep rest, all anxiety, tensions, stress and fatigue are released and dissolved. You recharge your energies in a deep repose of calm, blissful serenity.

"OJAYA is the easiest, most blissful meditation on the planet."

(That's what people tell us every day.)

Here are some comments from our OJAYA Deep Meditation Course Graduates:

❤️ “When I listened to Sukaishi David in the videos I had actual tears in my eyes.” — Rick Blanda, Warner Robins, Georgia

❤️ “Ojaya is the first and only method that I have used that I can actually feel the effects of when I meditate. “ — Zoe Gordon, Hoover, Alabama

❤️ “I’m absolutely amazed at how powerful this meditation is. ‘Soothing’ is exactly how this meditation feels. I learned [another technique] back in 2002, but over the years I rarely would get deep rest from practicing it. This has been the most beneficial meditation I’ve ever experienced.” — Andrew Burns, Monterey Park, California

❤️ "I am happy to have found your course because I have long felt that the meditation techniques commonly taught do not take students into true meditation. Thank you for your beautiful rainforest experience.” — Virginia Graham, Toronto, Canada

❤️ “I’m 65, and this is the best thing I have ever done for myself in my whole life. It’s so easy to do, I get into such a deep stillness. It’s a very gentle thing, very very relaxing, very restful. It’s so beautiful I don’t know what to say. I’ve never felt so alive in my life — never!” — Richard Bosworth, Bellevue, Washington

❤️ “This is truly a treasure I didn’t expect to discover.“ — Elizabeth, Kansas City, Missouri

❤️ Through all my life I suffered from anxiety and depression. All I wanted was peace of mind. I have been interested in meditation for years after reading books by Krishnamurti, Osho and others and then the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I tried to meditate, but I never achieved any progress. So I gave up and doubted the whole meditation thing. Until I found this course which is completely different from what I learned before.” — Amer, Scarborough, Ontario

❤️ I wish I had known about this long ago, it really would have been a game changer.” — Stewart, Zanesville, Ohio

❤️ "'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' Well, I have found that to be true. The course is excellent." — Eamon, London, England

Any questions? We're here — just for you! ❤️

And we'd love to chat and answer your questions!

Please contact us for more info.

❤️ Blessings,
Gary Boucherle
The OJAYA Dharma Sangha
in the Earthborn Rainforest

❤️ P.S. Will you too fall in love with the ancient OJAYA technique?

We're so confident about it that we offer you our full 21-Day 100% Refund "Happiness Pledge."

We'll watch for your enrollment — and see if you too will fall in love with OJAYA ... and your own deepest Self. ❤️
OJAYA Deep Meditation ...
Learn this Rare, Most Powerful Meditation Technique to Eliminate Anxiety, Fatigue and Stress
Awaken the Power of Your Inner Self with Clear, Calm Energy — in 10-20 Minutes a Day
"The Ancient Martial Art of Deep Serenity & Inner Strength"
Master this Simple, Easy Technique with Self-Paced Online Video Lessons

❤️ Course Info: This sumptuous course is 100% online, and is composed of 30 video Lessons featuring rare and exquisite meditation instruction by Sukaishi David — in the Earthborn Rainforest.

It's like your own private jungle meditation retreat — online — in the comfort of your own home.

And there's no set schedule! Watch each Lesson whenever you wish — go at your own relaxed pace. Because ... your online enrollment is open for a full year!

Savor each sublime Lesson — produced in the Earthborn Rainforest — and enjoy!
❤️ Our 21-Day, 100% Refund "Happiness Pledge"!
We invite you to take the entire Course and experience it for yourself. You'll be ecstatically happy that you did, or we'll give you a 100% refund — with our blessings!

We are a not-for-profit school, we care about you, and that's the way we do things here in the Earthborn Rainforest!

OJAYA Deep Meditation:

❤️ Is a Rare, Easy, Ancient Technique
❤️ Known as the “Martial Art of Deep Serenity & Inner Strength”
❤️ You Sit Silently with Eyes Closed — Works on the Same Timeless Principles as the Physical Martial Arts
❤️ Is Deeply More Effective than Common Mindfulness Methods — or Being "In the Now" — or Any Relaxation or Meditation Practice You’ve Ever Tried Before
❤️ Dissolves the Very Roots of Anxiety and Stress
❤️ Clears “Mind Chatter”
❤️ Harmonizes and Balances Your Emotions
❤️ Promotes Deep, Restful Sleep at Night
❤️ Nutures Healthy, Youthful Aging
❤️ Empowers Your Deeper Creative Energies
❤️ Bestows Clear Thinking & Depth of Intelligence
❤️ Awakens You to Higher, Deeper Levels of Awareness
❤️ Just 10-20 Minutes Each Day Recharges You with Serene, Blissful Energy
❤️ You Become a Master of Your Own Meditation Practice — No Need for Any Guide to Oversee, Direct, and “Chaperone” Your Meditations

Any questions? We're here — just for you! ❤️

And we'd love to chat and answer your questions!

Please contact us for more info.

❤️ Blessings,
Gary Boucherle
The OJAYA Dharma Sangha
in the Earthborn Rainforest
For complete info on the OJAYA Deep Meditation online Course, see our web site. Read More


Each of your 30 online video Lessons features Sukaishi David in the Earthborn Rainforest, as he dives deeper into the classic knowledge of OJAYA, the Martial Art of Deep Meditation. OJAYA is an ancient Sanskrit word that means energy and strength. This rare kavach technique (armor technique) is taught in conjunction with sublime dharma talks to uplift both the inner and outer life with the highest levels of right action, loving kindness, duty, service to others, and depth of inner awakening.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
Read More

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

If I could, I would give it 6 out of 5 stars!
I'm 65 and this is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Ojaya Deep Meditation has had a profound impact on my life. I shudder to think where I would be without it, especially in these times. Setting aside those Ojaya moments during the day has become such a special treat; I cannot help but feel refreshed and restored. No less important though is Sukaishi David’s message of love, peace, and healing. What a game changer it has all been for me and I cherish this wonderful gift. I plan to continue on with any course offerings he will have in the future. Read More