Welcome to the Rainbow Journey - A multidisciplinary retreat, where we will experience workshops from a variety of fields, all with a direct connection to our lives as Gay and Queer men in this world. It is a journey of self-discovery and opening of the heart, full of unique workshops, activities, and lots of playfulness. For some, this will be a week of fun, full of new experiences, meeting new people, and great food. For others, it might become a transformative life-changing experience. During the Rainbow Journey Retreat we will explore:
- Daily yoga and meditation
- Emotional release
- Movement, contact, and bodywork
- Healing touch and sexuality
- Boundaries and consent
- Sharing circles and Radical Listening
- Performance Arts
- Intimacy and communication
- Mind opening rituals and ceremonies
- Connection to nature
- Relaxation and playfulness
- And much more... let's leave some room for surprises :)
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