Are you ready to get Naked?
Naked Soul isn't just another retreat- it's a disruption, a call to wake up, a space for radical truth and deep remembrance.
It's about getting naked literally and metaphorically, stripping away the illusions, breaking free from the machine, and returning to something raw, real and whole. All for the purpose of meeting ourselves and each other in our true essence, in our souls.
Why, what happens when we do that?
Noise disappears, and as silence walks in, we're able to see with the eyes of the heart. We're able to connect again beyond the masks, the roles, the expectations, the projections, the fears. And the relationships that we build from that space of transparency and vulnerability, are mirrors of the Love that we already are because they're rooted in a shared humanity.
Naked is about rewriting the story of separation and suffering that we get to witness everyday in front of our eyes.
There's something insane happening right now. Can you feel it? We know you can feel it, buried underneath the distractions and layers of conditioning. There it is, there you feel it. The world is on fire, wars are reagin, people are dying. Even in the so-called "spiritual world" the same sickness is playing out: who's got the best marketing? Who's got the most enlightened? Who can package their wisdom in a way that sells?
Naked is an invitation to step away from all of that, let go, and simply remember that we are already enough, and we don't need to prove it.
Once we realise that the story of "humans being violent by nature" is just a lie, a distortion; we come to ask ourselves: "How could I've been part of it?". Quite a terrifying question, heartbreaking, and overwhelming.
So what to do?
We come "Naked": not to escape, but to step away from the noise for a moment, long enough to remember.
For 8 days we- together- peel away all the masks, the roles; no phones, no distractions. Just us, in nature, in presence, in the raw truth of who we are beneath all of this.
This is not about learning more "things". Yes, definitely there's tools we will share with you, and activities you will be guided into. But all for the sake of returning to wholeness, and embodying wholeness once we're back into the world. Because that's the real work: not just "touching" wholeness, but weaving it back into our daily life.
If you feel this, you're welcome. If you don't, it's okay too. This is a door, nothing less, nothing more. You are the one who chooses to open it or leave it closed.
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