14 Day master pant cleanse $1550
Ayahuasca and master plant dieta Peru
Our 14 day program is a personalized plant spirit journey into deep healing and transformation with Ayahuasca and other Master Plants.
In the Upper Amazon of Peru, Ayahuasca is part of a broader holistic medicine system which greatly relies upon deep immersion fasting with a range of powerful medicinal teacher plants. This process is traditionally referred to as a “dieta”.
These are immersive personal journeys aimed at taking you into deep levels of cleansing, expansion, and healing for mind body and spirit through the practices outlined below. It is through this process that the Maestros we work with have trained themselves. This is because dieta, when done right not only teaches and heals but also protects us on all levels and helps to manifest our dreams with clarity and magnetism.
These dietas are serious spiritual work for mature people who are prepared to focus, surrender and receive the immense wisdom and healing available through this ancient traditional path. It is a delicate process that involves, preparation and adherence to strict guidelines before, during and after the retreat, not doing so can cause serious problems.
Stripping back the distractions of mind and society assists us in creating the condition to reveal our true nature, our purpose on this earth, our heart’s truth. Also, when we are dealing with physical illness, as many are it takes time for the right plants to get deeply into our beings so that healing can occur.
This is why Ayahuasca alone is not always enough.
There are many paths to healing, but for those who feel called to Amazonian plant medicine, it is a clear and heartfelt call, one worth listening too. The plants are living conscious beings that we enter a lasting relationships with and gain much from for the rest of our lives.
Please note: Dieta is a very Delicate process.
If you participate in a master plant diet with us you MUST follow a 30 day post dieta upon leaving.
Not doing so can result in serious illness both spiritual and physical. Please consider this when making travel plans, where you will stay, can you cook, can you speak Spanish etc?
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