Eileen Quinteros

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Eileen was born in Ecuador, and from a very young age dedicated herself to the cultivation of her BEingness and the constant learning of ancestral wisdom that began with her great-grandparents, who both helped people restore balance.

Eileen experienced synchronicities in her life which opened her path to great coexistence and sacred experiences that deepened her Shamanic Path, including fasting, austerities, rituals, initiations, ceremonies and the teachings of her elders, teachers, guides and grandparents.

Eileen has dedicated herself to the eternal learning of ancestral and spiritual medicine. the use of plants, which allow the generation of natural medicines that help restore the vitality of her patients along with other therapies, practices and rituals.

​Eileen currently facilitates circles of the sacred feminine, applying her lifetime of learning and coming forward as a portal of initiation between the divine knowledge of Mother Earth and Women. Eileen considers herself an apprentice of the mysteries of life and it's knowledge.

​Eileen is a Holistic Therapist, Reikist, Pranic Healer, Hatha Yoga RYT 200, Vision Seeker. Traditional Andean Medicine of Jatun Yachay Wasi University, Student of Ancestral Midwifery, Facilitator of constellation and family order, Facilitator of circles of sacred feminine, Artist and Healer.

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