Emma Power

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

A speaker for the stars — Emma is a professional astrologer and intuitive channel deeply attuned to the intricate symbolism of this multi-dimensional life.

For over 11 years, she has illuminated soul paths and aligned people with their cosmic callings through astrology readings, and workshops.

Emma’s initiation began by an indigenous medicine woman in Blackfoot country recognizing her latent talent as an astrologer and healer. Under the guidance of this early mentor, Emma was deeply immersed in the teachings of the northern medicine wheel, lunar magic, Tarot, Kabbalah, and planetary alchemy. This profound exploration included regular participation in sweat lodges, extended water fasting, drumming, singing, prayer, and purification rituals with nature following the lunar cycles.

Emma holds a profound bond with the star nations, that has lead her a deep devotion to the plant spirits that awaken access to their high-vibrational medicine and awareness.

Her diverse background includes high-intensity roles in healthcare and film production, blending compassionate service with organizational prowess. At Earth Temple, she contributes as a “medicine manager”, playful retreat cook, and eternal student to life.

Nestled in a crystal unicorn barn loft above horses on Bowen Island, BC, Emma lives at a medicine retreat centre, where she collaborates with Athena and Jason in organizing and facilitating transformative retreat experiences.

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