Maestro Manain Miche Amacifen

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Manain, comes from a family of steeped in ayahuasca shamanism and healing, and he’s the fourth generation to carry forward this tradition. Born and raised in Requena, a small town about 12 hours from Iquitos by river, Manain began learning the healing-way from his father when he was 16 years old and spent the next 15 years working at his side in his healing practice. When his father died, Manain moved to the small community of San Herardo, about 6 hours deeper into the jungle, and spent the next 20 years there as a popular and well-respected healer.

Manain has a deep and profound faith that God is working through the medicine spirits to heal. In everyday life, he’s a quiet and humble man, committed to helping people live happy and healthy lives. As a healer, his gentleness and humility shine through as he encourages people to be open about their troubles so that he can better understand how to help them. Read More

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