5.007 reviews

About the Teacher

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INTUITIVE READER| ENERGY HEALER| LOVE COACH Mae is a natural born psychic and clairvoyant. She started healing at the age of 6 years old and was introduced to tarot card reading by her great-grandmother at the age of 8. She shunned all these gifts growing up only to embrace it after abandoning the quest to be a doctor when she graduated Public Health in the University. She started her training Pranic Healing in 2002. She sought guidance and mentorship from different teachers and organizations which were hidden and taboo at that time. She discovered her own formula for developing her abilities and started teaching it to a paranormal group in the Philippines in 2006. She also started organizing events bringing together spiritual groups together in her restaurant, Resto Eklektik, at the same time which made her connect with one of the foremost group that delved into these practices – The Spirit Questors of Manila. She formally joined and trained with this group in 2008 where they apply it through giving free services to families who needed help in their life issues that were deemed unexplainable and unresolvable by science.She and her late husband started teaching Tarot Card Reading in 2011 through a unique module that they crafted from their experience of learning and reading others. When the Spirit Questors dissolved in 2012, they created, Esoteric Society of the Philippines with old members of the group to continue the Services Tarot Reading Akashic Reading Past Life Reading Lovelife Coaching NLP Coaching Pranic Healing Access Bars ──── Seminars & Workshops Intuitive Development Tarot Card Reading Developing The 3rd Eye Singles Retreat ──── Affiliations Taita Inti Love Happy, Inc. Philippine Academy of Intuitive Taita Inti Philippines ──── WEBSITES: https://maeseracarpio.comhttps://divinesoulconnector.com FOR BOOKINGS: https://maeseracarpio. youcanbook.meadvocacy of providing free services with the use of their psychic abilities and talents under the tenets of unconditional love and harmonious co-existence. She then co-founded the group, Philippine Academy of Intuitive, to inspire people to apply spiritual principles and esoteric wisdom in their everyday lives where she continued to teach Intuitive Development and Tarot Reading. She also created the first Lovelife & Relationship Coaching after getting licensed as a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner by Mind Transformations in Singapore and created a unique workshop for Singles entitled, Co-author Your Next Love Story that ran successfully since 2013 up to now.Mae has been giving readings pro-bono since she first started to learn it. In 2014, she officially adopted this as a profession together with her Love Coaching services in different wellness centres in her country. In these centres, she got to meet and learn from more readers, healers, and teachers local and abroad. She found a new passion for bringing people together for spiritual events, workshops, healing clinics, and courses. She quickly gained local media following and found herself invited in television and radio shows in her country. Using this leverage, she also worked on getting other practitioners to get media exposure for them to be able to connect with the people they can teach and serve.Darkness came in 2015 when her husband died of a sudden illness. She continued doing readings and coaching sessions and found herself in situations where she needed to counsel individuals losing loved ones as well. This made her realize that she must continue living. On that fateful day of realization, a sudden gush of wind blew on her face and whispered an incomprehensible word. She Googled it and the first search result was the word “Ayahuasca.” From them on, she followed this path and found herself organizing the Ayahuasca Retreats in the Philippines where she met Naysha.Ayahuasca, through Naysha and Taita Inti, helped her heal through her grief and gave her a new life and a new sense of purpose. Today, Mae still reads and guides people individually in their ways of life and spirit. She still passionately brings people together for spiritual transformation and healing in her country through a pool of volunteers continuing the cause. And now, she aims to assist Naysha and Taita Inti in their pilgrimage of bringing Love and Light to people’s lives.

Upcoming Retreats

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

Caring and Compassionate
Mae is a caring, compassionate and fun-loving teacher, friend and guide. I felt so seen and protected during the ceremonies she facilitated. Beyond the retreat, she has reached out to check on my progress in integration. I am very grateful to have been under her care. ❤️????

Amazing healing powers from her big heart
I had a 5 day Ayahuasca retreat in Bali and Mae was our Shaman's left hand. She has this amazing Clairsentient sense and healing powers. Most importantly, she is so loving and caring for us all. A ceremony usually last from 4-9 hours in my experience, and Mae would be there for us, singing, extending energies to us, helping us purge etc.. She would use tarot reading to help us identify physical and mental / emotional issues too. It's really incredible how these things work. I am very grateful for her hard work, love and care for me. Thank you Mae. Thank you for your beautiful voice too!

Inspiring and powerful
I had my first reading with Mae before a retreat with TaitaInti. The meaning for the tarot-reading was, to help to set the intentions for the upcoming ceremonies.
Her reading was absolutely amazing. So many information came trough her while she explained what she gets from the spirit world. I didn’t expect that her reading would help me SO MUCH. Not only for ceremonies but also for my spiritual path. She kind of putted so many pieces from my life together. That helped me to understand why possibly sudden things happened and how to focus on that transformation. She has a beautiful heart-open spirit and is very clear on what she sees. I would absolutely recommend her for any kind of questions. It’s not only a question-answer-session. But a profound energetic work who can transform a lot in your life for the better.

Very Accurate Reading!
I had my tarot card reading with Mae and I was blown away by the session. Everything made complete sense and was very accurate. I am truly impressed and now a firm believer that these psychic abilities are for real. I definitely recommend her services!

Mae, the strong arm with huge heart
I can not praise Mae enough. I have had the pleasure to esperience her work over the internet and in person for a month long Dieta.
I was lead to her through Naysha Silva, another strong respected Mother Shaman. Our first meeting was over the internet with a Reading. I was at a low point in my life with and was not overlly confident about how a reading would help.


It was amazing, she was able to connect me back with the universe and myself, I was reminded of how I was treating myself which brought an emotional release of tears and then after laughter at myself. It was amazing. Not only that the prophecies she made over me have all come to pass. I wrote them all down and tracked them during the following months.
This brings me to her work in a Dieta in Peru. As a shaman she is very confident. She walks with purpose and speaks with intent. I totally respect her because of her honesty and integrity she has. She has cute personality with a sneaky personality with once you see it is Amazing.
During the Dieta she passed on much knowledge from the universe and lead myself (and many others) to many revelations. Thank you Mae.
She also gave me another reading which like all things after time and process the truth comes to light. She could not of been more on point with the information she shared about me and to me.

I look so forward to connecting with Mae in the future and look forward to see her light shine in all the areas she is passionate about. She is a real blessing to this time.