Sanke Ranko (Segundo)

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Sanke Ranko, or Segundo, is a true force. He learned a great deal from his father, Papa Horacio, who is one of the oldest and most powerful onaya. Sanke Ranko's icaros catapult ceremony participants to another dimension, as his powerful voice penetrates to all levels.

Sanke Ranko has an uncommon and special ability to understand the western psyche, having traveled all over the world including to Germany, Norway, and Romania.

In addition to his great cultural understanding and strong family lineage, Sanke Ranko brings with him the plant allies he has dieted, including Marossa, Spingo, Ayahuma, Huaira Caspi, and Piñon Colorado.

His ceremonies are an ideal space for deep healing and shadow work.

Sanke Ranko will be at Pandorita from August through November of 2024.

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