Christopher is the co-founderof Yandara and has over 20 years of meditation and yoga practice, his presence inspires those around him to enter their hearts and connect to their truest potential. Christopher has the gift to bring his students throughfun and challenging flow sequences while cultivating the sharedawareness that is Yoga. His style is dynamic and intuitive, mixing creative movement with a powerful asana practice. Christopher’s passion for yoga philosophy and yogapsychology is a part of his daily life and weaves naturally into histeachings.
Christopher was raised at the SKMC MeditationCenter in Bowling Green, Virginia. He requested initiation to ameditation practice at age 4, and while he led a “normal” childhood, hestudied with Sant Darshan Singh until age 16. In his early twenties,after attending VCU for fine arts, he spent two years as an apprentice of John P. Milton, training in SacredPassage (wilderness meditation) and QiGong. This time of deeptransformation included several solo wilderness retreats, ranging from 2to 28 days. In 2005, Christopher travelled to India and Nepal,where he attended teachings and undertook extensivepractice in Vipassana Meditation and Tibetan Buddhist Meditation.
Christopher founded the Yandara Yoga Institute with his father CraigPerkins in 2003. Since that time he has been facilitating Yoga TeacherTrainings, and continues to inspire and grow with each person he meets.
Christopher has studied with many inspired yogi’s across the world,including a 500-hr training with Dharma Mittra, as well as trainingswith Guru Dass (Kundalini Yoga), Daniel Odier (Kashmirian Tantra), Shiva Rea (Prana Vinyasa®), HanneliFrancis (Anusara), Baba Hari Das of the Mount Madonna Center, T.K.V.Desikachar (Yoga Therapy), and senior Iyengar teachers Kevin Durkin,Victor Oppenheimer and Gloria Goldberg. Christopher is a registered YACEP® – Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider.
“A supportive environment to recognize your greatest potential will catapult your progress many times over.” ~ Christopher Perkins
Student Testimonial
"Christopher has a way of looking directly into you and, with just his eyes, make you feel safe and supported to be vulnerable enough to dive deeply into your truth. Christopher lovingly guides others to question the world and themselves with a gentle ferocity that beckons the veiled truth from under years of stories and misperceptions. I felt that my time at Yandara was more than an intelligently designed 300-Hour training program. I felt my weeks with Christopher were an un-domestication process to peel back the layers of my reality until I was left with a pure connection with who I truly am. This process, however emotional at times, felt less like a struggle and more like being welcomed home with the love and gentle support Christopher presented in his masterful inquiry. I left Yandara with confidence, clarity and joy in my heart. The impact and lessons continue to unfold within me, both physically and internally on the mat and out in life. I am honored to call Christopher my teacher and forever grateful for the support he provides along my path." Sarah Kadel, E-RYT, YACEP®, ACSM CPT"
One of Christopher's many gifts is in holding space for supportive communities to heal, connect and grow together. Even when it comes to advancing my physical yoga practice, his lighthearted nature seems to invoke a sense of ease and trust that helps me move beyond my fears. His big smile that shines straight from the heart didn't hurt either!" - Mary Tilson, Yoga+Wellness director of Travel+Leisures #1 Hotel in the World
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