Junia Gail Imel

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Junia Gail Imel is the owner and operator of Divine Adventures. She is considered a premier tour advisor for divine journeys around the world. In 2002, Junia took a quantum leap. She left her MBA degree and successful twenty-five year leadership career in advanced technology and education to discover the world from a new perspective — her own intuitive awareness. Courageously following an inner call, she spent 6 months traveling solo in Peru where she was invited into ritual with the Q’ero, Shipibo and medicine men/women. There she spent time studying with indigenous shamans, curanderas, spiritual guides and mystics. Her life was changed forever. . .During her first trip to South America, Junia participated in the Merrayabo Tsintikash Jiwiki Bewakani Ritual Ceremony – a ritual to heal the master plants of the world – conducted by Shipibo-Conibo shamans. The shamans bestowed upon her, her Shipibo name “Inin Beka” which means ‘sweet smelling protective cloth.’ Since that moment, she opened to the calling and has become a master of holding sacred space so others can journey within; safely and fully protected.And now she has merged her love of adventure and her natural leadership into a unique travel experience called, Divine Adventures. Here one journeys to inner and outer worlds to unleash innate wisdom and genius. She leads sacred journeys for groups or individuals into various places of Peru including Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca and Amazon as well as other sacred places around the world. She is planning other exquisite trips in the future that combine service with personal expansion and transformation.

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